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B-Bottoms FIHOTD thread (Taiping rebellion) the bloodiest war you've never heard of


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The Kingdom's policies

Within the land that they controlled, a theocratic and highly militarised rule was established.


The subject of study for the examinations for officials (formerly civil service exams) changed from the Confucian classics to the Christian Bible.

Private property ownership was abolished and all land was held and distributed by the state.

A solar calendar replaced the lunar calendar.

The society was declared classless and the sexes were declared equal. It was the first Chinese regime ever to admit women into examinations.

Foot binding was banned.

Monogamy was promoted.

Other new laws were promulgated including the prohibition of opium, gambling, tobacco, alcohol, polygamy (including concubinage), slavery, and prostitution.

But the rule was remarkably ineffective, haphazard and brutal


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