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the lowend hacked?!?


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a sysadmin's point of view..


assuming it was a lame security exploit or scripting exploit, then i'd have to say it's the fault of both the admin and the person who defaced the site.


if the admin had patched his/her box and audited his security, he wouldn't have had some dumbass kid using the holes to his/her advantage.


it's like leaving your front door open and complaining when you get robbed--sure, you got robbed, and that blows, but maybe you should have locked the door and set the alarm.


(thelowend.net ?)

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There isn't such thing as a secured system and site.


Just like there isn't a secured house or building.


I you want to get in, you do. It's only a matter of skills.

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Originally posted by Jazz Ad

There isn't such thing as a secured system and site.

Just like there isn't a secured house or building.

I you want to get in, you do. It's only a matter of skills.



Well, yes, but it's not just one sided, it's the skills of the intruder vs. the skills of the defender(s). Well built systems are much harder to hack (by orders of magnitude). The state of security (or lack thereof) in the PC world is not the state of security in computing overall, and we have mostly Microsoft to thank for giving the public a bad impression of computer security overall.

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Okay, I understand the issue is computer security here. But, I was just at the site thelowend.net, and I didn't see anything hacked. Just currious, what are you referring to? :confused:

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Originally posted by bholder

Well, yes, but it's not just one sided, it's the skills of the intruder vs. the skills of the defender(s). Well built systems are
harder to hack (by orders of magnitude).



That said, all systems are vulnerable and the worst sysadmins believe their systems are 100% secure.

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Originally posted by Undertoad

That said, all systems are vulnerable and the worst sysadmins believe their systems are 100% secure.



Just like the worst bass players are those who think they're at their full potential. If you're continually working to improve, then you're a step ahead each day.


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