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Logo Help...Again


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Can someone point me to gradient, filter or something similar for Adobe Illustrator so that I can make the YFC logo "chrome"? I have no idea how to do it and am getting frustrated working on it. It's got to be something that's been done before...I just can't seem to figure it out.

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Originally posted by Thunderbroom

Can someone point me to gradient, filter or something similar for Adobe Illustrator so that I can make the YFC logo "chrome"? I have no idea how to do it and am getting frustrated working on it. It's got to be something that's been done before...I just can't seem to figure it out.



yo, I don't know of anything in photoshop. I'll PM you my work address. Email me a simple outline of it and I can try and mess with it in a 3D modeling photo program at work.

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Originally posted by Thunderbroom


Is there some "trick" to doing that or is just a matter of playing around with it?


I ran it through a filter - I took all of about 20 seconds.

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Originally posted by The Insomniac

I ran it through a filter - I took all of about 20 seconds.


Where'd ya get that filter? I did mine without one. I recreated the whole thing.

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Originally posted by Thunderbroom

Is that filter something that can be exported?



I don't know - I don't have Illustrator but I can try.


PM me your email and I'll send it over to you.

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Mate, now you have the shiny look.. do ou think the Chevron ads to it any or is it just taking up space?

I like band name yuou guys have, but when I see Modern Country with a Rock Edge.. it makes me cringe.



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They all look pretty good. For a final touch to any of them, which are just greyed values, add a touch of blue-black to the darks, whites should be just a tad greyish, and then a couple highlites in the brightest white you have.

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Dunnow.. maybe you can include that in a descriptuion of the type of music you are doing close to the front of your bio, or even just listing ssome of the more commonly known songs you guys play would effectively let your agents and bookers be aware of the product you are pushing rather than something that overt in the logo.

I feel it draws the eye more than the logo does.


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