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ashdown electric blue 12 or nemesis n 28 ?


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Thanks for the reactions and the advise to grab a little deeper in my wallet for a versatile basscombo with a little bit more juice than just for plain practising.


I've narrowed my wants list for a compact and good quality combo to :

ashdown electric blue 12 (12")

and Nemesis NS28 (2X8")

both are in the 400 euro category.

At the moment my only axe is a Warwick corvette std Fretless.


any thoughts or suggestions?

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I purchased and Ashdown Electric Blue 15" to use at home while leaving my "big rig" at the rehearsal space....I absolutly love the sounds of the Ashdown combo..best combo I've ever used and has enough power to use at small/medium gigs.

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This bassline (and guitar wanking over it) is recorded with my Ashdown EB 150, basicly the same as you are wondering about, except it has 15" speaker.

There is a little buzz and clipping, but you can hear the sound.





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