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Anyone live in Tennessee?


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I'm traveling down to Knoxville (before heading on north to Kentucky, then Ohio) this weekend but I'm not quite familiar with the area and don't want to get caught up in any tourist-y areas. We were initially hit up Nashville but I'm not really digging the possibility of getting caught up in ridiculous traffic nor do I know anything in the city and don't want to walk around aimlessly. Possible Tenn meet up?







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I am a little less than 2 hours south of Knoxville.


as long as you try to schedule your travel time to miss rush hour you should have no problems as long as you stay on the interstate; even duringrush hour, traffic runs pretty smoothly unless there is some road construction that imay possibly be going on that I am not aware of.

The only touristy areas around Ktown is Pidgeon Forge and Gatlinburgh in the foothills of the Smokey Mountains which I will mention both locations are well worth the time to take in the sights and sounds. lots of fun stuff to do in either town. :thu:

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Kindness: exactly. :D


I'm gonna be on the road from now until sunday/monday (no computer), so 82Daion, I'll PM you my cell number if anything starts to brew.

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As far as I can tell, no one lives in Tennessee. Or at least they shouldn't.

I kid. I kid.




hey now:mad:

i think i live in tennessee but, it's not the part you wanna visit (i'm about 9 hours from k-ville).

the people are nicer on this end of the state but, there's absolutely nothin you would want to see down here (unless you count graceland and memphis,the murder capitol of the state:rolleyes:)

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hey now:mad:

i think i live in tennessee but, it's not the part you wanna visit (i'm about 9 hours from k-ville).

the people are nicer on this end of the state but, there's absolutely nothin you would want to see down here (unless you count graceland and memphis,the murder capitol of the state:rolleyes:)




I live a stones throw from the Tennessee state line near Chattanoooga.

Chattanoga (for the most part) is a pleasnt city to live in.

However we do have the white trailer trash and the ghetto thug trouble makers who think the productive citizens owe them a living just like every other city in the world does.


I can testify to that last sentance since we have the neighbors from hell living 2 doors down, across the street:rolleyes:


I had to vent for a minuite guys I hope you guys don't mind:freak:

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oh, and spaceghost,

if you're going to nashville you've got to at least stop in and see gruhn's guitars. it's a neat store even if you don't dig vintage stuff.

Will do!


I'm not sure what we're even going to be doing in Nashville, I guess just wander and see what's going on then head on north to Ohio or something. We were going to go to Memphis but the massive crime rate didn't seem that appealing. :p

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oh, and spaceghost,

if you're going to nashville you've got to at least stop in and see gruhn's guitars. it's a neat store even if you don't dig vintage stuff.




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I'm in Knoxville on vacation right now. There's a place west of town called Baker Peters jazz club that has all kinds of music. I'll be hitting it in about an hour. They have blues tonight. Their # is 865-690-8110 and it's at 9000 Kingston Pike Rd. They'll tell ya the music scoop if you call them.

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Will do!

I'm not sure what we're even going to be doing in Nashville, I guess just wander and see what's going on then head on north to Ohio or something. We were going to go to Memphis but the massive crime rate didn't seem that appealing.


Depends on which parts of Memphis. I was up there for the Beale Street Music Festival and had never seen so many cops in one place... Made me feel a little safe while wandering down Beale. But just going on a normal night without the reserves called out, who knows.

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the hammer lives in Knoxville.

Where the hell is westlake?


Cleveland area.


We could all get together at my place or something...

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Cleveland area.




Dude, did you get my PM? I'm not going to be able to check the forums/PMs while i'm out and about so my cell is the best way to catch me.



Edit- I'm leaving in 15 minutes, so I hope you got it. :D

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Dude, did you get my PM? I'm not going to be able to check the forums/PMs while i'm out and about so my cell is the best way to catch me.

Edit- I'm leaving in 15 minutes, so I hope you got it.


I got it, and I'll let you know my schedule for the week once I get it.




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