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OT: From Jugghaids "Fall of Rome". Read Davis Shields "American Theocracy".


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A former Republican strategist who is appalled by the Bush administration's sucking up to the fanatical religious right, that the end times are near:rolleyes:, and that Iraq was of course for Oil and and only Oil. The fields there are only 8% tapped, much has yet to be discovered- it is the cheapest place in the world to manufacture a barrel of oil at $1/bbl.


All this while Sadam was trying to suppplant the dollar with the Euro as the basis for international trade in oil- making the dollar worth toilet paper.


Fascinating book- will scare the {censored} out of you if you are a normal, free thinking person.


If you believe in the end times and are some pentacostal freak, DIE!

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Normal, free thinking people ignore books like this. It's the paranoid, black helicopter conspiracy nuts who usually have the {censored} scared out of them by books like this.

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Normal, free thinking people ignore books like this. It's the paranoid, black helicopter conspiracy nuts who usually have the {censored} scared out of them by books like this.


Sorry to pull your head out of the sand, but go to your local bookstore/library, grab a copy and see who quotes Mr. Shields work. This is a scholarly, well researched book with tons of footnotes, end notes and a great bibliography.


Another nugget: when Cheney was with Hallibuton he was often seen poring over maps- oil maps of Iraq. His frustration was with the maps themselves- they were guesses- not official Iraqi Oil Industry maps which shows what a fantastic goldmine they have. Iraq is the last place on earth where oil can be pulled out of the sand at $1/bbl- and an estimated 30-40% of their fields are undiscovered. When we invaded the Ministry of Oil was the first place to be heavily defended. What was blown off? The ministry of Arts and Culture where looters had a field day. Fortunately even Buish saw that letting anybody take from the cradle of civilization was going to become problematic and much of it was recovered.


In a way take that info for what you want- maybe, yay! cheap gas is a comin' again! (If YOU'RE a moron:rolleyes:)


What truly and thoroughly pisses me off is how the executive branch of our government manipulated the eff out of the Republican Party and American people. I remember back in '03/'04 if you said it was only about the oil the Bush/Cheney propaganda machine called you a traitor.


Hey Mudbass, I'll make it easy for you- just google Kevin Shields.:blah:

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Since neither you nor Mudbass take what he has to say seriously (Duh, the guy is a Republican strategist- oops, former- under Nixon whom I think was a pretty good president. And while we're at it- RIP Barry Goldwater- what the Republican party used to be all about), please enlighten me on the above topics I pulled from Mr. Shields book.

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Since neither you nor Mudbass take what he has to say seriously (Duh, the guy is a Republican strategist- oops, former- under Nixon whom I think was a pretty good president. And while we're at it- RIP Barry Goldwater- what the Republican party used to be all about), please enlighten me on the above topics I pulled from Mr. Shields book.


Go drown in a lake of patchouli, hippy.:idea:

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Oh wow. Another whackjob liberal conspiracy fruit. Imagine that. I just thought I'd bump this thread to point out that it went down like an Armenian whore because it's {censored}ing stupid.:



no offense, C7, but typical neocon attack response.


EVERYONE pays for oil in dollar$. That is the only thing backing our currency. Otherwise it is just fiat money and pretty much worthless. When oil exporting countries shift to the euro, a painful adjustment will be required here in the good ole USA. Tax, energy, debt, trade and other policies will have to change drastically.

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no offense, C7, but typical neocon attack response.


I'm far from "neo-con". Neo-cons are wealthy. :idea:


I just attack hippies because they try to bum money from me all the time to buy pot, when if they'd simply stop judging me by my appearance, they'd get to smoke some of my icky-sticky organixxx.


I'd post more but I have to read this article about how Bush was seen in the WTC 15 minutes prior to the planes flying into it, and how it's been proven that he was magically teleported by Halliburton's latest invention (at the time) to safety, so he wouldn't get blown up by the C4 that he planted on all the floors and {censored}, and how John Ashcroft conned all those firefighters into going into the tower so there'd be this huge outpouring of anger so they could attack Hussein and steal all his oil. It's a great read so far, I'm almost to the point where Colon Powell goes to Saudi Arabia and gets train {censored}ed by al Saud's harem, and hypnotized, and the convinced that he should leave the administration. Weak willed mother{censored}er.


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no offense, C7, but typical neocon attack response.

EVERYONE pays for oil in dollar$. That is the only thing backing our currency. Otherwise it is just fiat money and pretty much worthless. When oil exporting countries shift to the euro, a painful adjustment will be required here in the good ole USA. Tax, energy, debt, trade and other policies will have to change drastically.



This is a fascinatingly incorrect idea about how international currency and commodities markets work, and yet it keeps popping up. Know what would happen if all OPEC countries started using Euro's? Very, very little. The Us is still the main consumer of oil, and although converting them to euro's would be a hassle, very litel distortion in the actual price of oil would occur.


What could occur is another 70's oil shock, except that this time, it'll hit europe as all those Petro-euro's need to be invested. Massive inflation, with no corresponding increase in GDP = bad financial juju.


Lemme guess, you're a gold standard believer?

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I'm .

I'd post more but I have to read this article about how Bush was seen in the WTC 15 minutes prior to the planes flying into it, and how it's been proven that he was magically teleported by Halliburton's latest invention (at the time) to safety, so he wouldn't get blown up by the C4 that he planted on all the floors and {censored}, and how John Ashcroft conned all those firefighters into going into the tower so there'd be this huge outpouring of anger so they could attack Hussein and steal all his oil. It's a great read so far, I'm almost to the point where Colon Powell goes to Saudi Arabia and gets train {censored}ed by al Saud's harem, and hypnotized, and the convinced that he should leave the administration. Weak willed mother{censored}er.




None of this nonsense is in the book by Mr. Shields:rolleyes:. What is this book you are talking about that's such a "great read so far"?


Must be the book created in your mind:blah:.

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under Nixon whom I think was a pretty good president.

Nixon didn't know his butt from a hole in the ground when it came to running the US economy. Other than opening China so that all our manufacturing jobs could leave our country and having the decency to resign instead of getting impeached, I'm kind of wondering how anyone could think he was a good President. Neither Ford nor Carter could reign in the economic disaster waiting to happen from Nixon's domestic policies.

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Since neither you nor Mudbass take what he has to say seriously (Duh, the guy is a Republican strategist- oops, former- under Nixon whom I think was a pretty good president. And while we're at it- RIP Barry Goldwater- what the Republican party used to be all about), please enlighten me on the above topics I pulled from Mr. Shields book.



Of course I don't take it seriously. The bookshelves are full of crackpot authors looking to make a buck by concocting some lunatic conspiracy and then expecting everybody else to disprove it. If I wanted to take the time I could write a book about how the moon is really made of peanut butter and the Apollo moon landings were faked by Skippy to and the US government to make people believe the moon is only a rock in space so peanut butter prices stay high. The sad part of it is, a small percentage of the population would actually believe it.

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of this nonsense is in the book by Mr. Shields:rolleyes:. What is this book you are talking about that's such a "great read so far"?

Must be the book created in your mind:blah:.



Totally off topic, did you know that 'facetious' is the only common English word containing all five vowels occurring in order?...

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Of course I don't take it seriously. The bookshelves are full of crackpot authors looking to make a buck by concocting some lunatic conspiracy and then expecting everybody else to disprove it. If I wanted to take the time I could write a book about how the moon is really made of peanut butter and the Apollo moon landings were faked by Skippy to and the US government to make people believe the moon is only a rock in space so peanut butter prices stay high. The sad part of it is, a small percentage of the population would actually believe it.

The moon landings didn't happen. It was all filmed at a secret location in Hollywood. The thousands of people that were involved with the project were paid to keep silent all these years by receiving a free lifetime supply of Skippy.

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Totally off topic, did you know that 'facetious' is the only common English word containing all five vowels occurring in order?...



The word "facetiously" would also cover the sometimes Y principle. :thu:

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Totally off topic, did you know that 'facetious' is the only common English word containing all five vowels occurring in order?...



This is the only post in this thread that should not be taken at it's literal meaning. Everything else was so {censored}ing serious that with each word we read, the UN kills a baby in Darfur.


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Totally off topic, did you know that 'facetious' is the only common English word containing all five vowels occurring in order?...



That's actually more fascinating than this book sounds.


I'm just saying...

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That's actually more fascinating than this book sounds.

I'm just saying...


But it was written by a "former Republican strategist" so it is the pinnacle of accuracy and legitimacy. If he was still a Republican strategist, he'd be too stupid and ca$h mongering to ever write anything remotely accurate or even legible.


Incidentally, this post was written by a former Republican strategist; I haven't played Risk in years.:D


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It's a general statement on the nature of debate online. You have better luck just making a statement and allowing debate to develop than you do citing a source to support it, because people will reflexively attack the source's credibility instead of debating the point you're making. It doesn't matter what side of the triangle you're coming from.




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His first statement appears to be insulting the original poster, not the author, since all of his other statements were in regard to the poster and didn't actually say anything about the source until his most recent post (and it wasn't even a direct statement about the source, but rather the way the original poster qualified him)...


But then again, I could be wrong and you could be right...you do have a rather balanced and impartial view of C7...

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His first statement appears to be insulting the original poster, not the author, since all of his other statements were in regard to the poster and didn't actually say anything about the source until his most recent post (and it wasn't even a direct statement about the source, but rather the way the original poster qualified him)...

But then again, I could be wrong and you could be right...you do have a rather balanced and impartial view of C7...


What I love the most about it is that whenever a left wing thread is posted, it's like the whole left side of the forum runs in and starts berserking on everything they can. Our friend hi.flyer is the perfect example of this; he doesn't care about the tone of my posts, he just has to come and defend his side. It makes him look like a clown and he doesn't even realize it.:D


I don't bother attacking sources, especially for conspiracy theories, because the person posting the thread is way more fun to make fun of.:idea:



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