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If you could take back any event in your life


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what would it be ?


Me ,I killed a beautiful Woodpecker with a BB gun some 25 years ago and I am still kicking myself for it . I know I will have to answer for it someday and should . :cry:

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I would have played baseball instead of lacrosse in high school. It was a bad decision, but I think everything happens for a reason. You live and you learn.

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I would have played baseball instead of lacrosse in high school. It was a bad decision, but I think everything happens for a reason. You live and you learn.


hey I played lacrosse for 7 years , that is the true American sport , a mans sport , you done good my friend ! ;)

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Registering here. I might actually have a life...and get more work done...


Dammit! You stole my joke!




Honestly, I can't think of one thing I would take back. I have a few things I'm not proud of, sure, but they're all a part of my life and experiences and I've learned from every one, so no, I would not want to take them back because I wouldn't want to not have had those lessons learned.

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hey I played lacrosse for 7 years , that is the true American sport , a mans sport , you done good my friend !


its not that, its just that I was so good at baseball. I was pretty decent at lacrosse, but it just wasnt my sport. I did start a good amount of games, but I didnt like it nearly as much as baseball.

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Registering here. I might actually have a life...and get more work done...


:thu: I just discovered this HCBF thing a few weeks ago and my life is already suffering... Sure I know way more about my instrument and amps and strings and stuff, but my work seems to be lagging...:)


It is hard for me to choose one event because of this:


Dumbest thing I ever did in my life: Marry a psycho lesbian.


Best thing I have in my life: Two daughters from said psycho lesbian.


Hence the catch 22. Best thing came from the worst thing...

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I didn't speak to my dad for about 3 years. I wish I could take those years back.




I wish I hadn't holla'd at my ex a couple years back.

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its not that, its just that I was so good at baseball. I was pretty decent at lacrosse, but it just wasnt my sport. I did start a good amount of games, but I didnt like it nearly as much as baseball.



yeah I hear ya .

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Honestly, I can't think of one thing I would take back. I have a few things I'm not proud of, sure, but they're all a part of my life and experiences and I've learned from every one, so no, I would not want to take them back because I wouldn't want to not have had those lessons learned.




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Oh, where the f*#k do I START?!?! :rolleyes:

Seriously, I didn't even START living 'til I turned 18. So, I would change something back when I was in jr high, prolly.


Actually, I wish I would have taken sh!t more seriously back then. I wish I had the self discipline I have now. I wish I treated my brain like a muscle and excercised it when in school. I wish I stayed in school band. I wish I took advantage of the track opportunity. I was, after all, the fastest runner. Grade school geek made for great track training. I'm not kidding.

Anyway...look, you've got me on a roll now. :p

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Funny how when you're in your early 20's, this sounds quite exciting...


I was 21, she was 19, and I didn't know she was on the other team at that time. It took 2 kids and a few years of being married to me to make her choose the other side! :rolleyes: hehehe

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Making fun of a girl in grade school - I mean seriously and mercilessly teasing her because she wasn't very good at math....


what an a-hole....somebody should back-handed my stupid ass into the middle of next week....

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I was 21, she was 19, and I didn't know she was on the other team at that time. It took 2 kids and a few years of being married to me to make her choose the other side!


Been there, done that, but only one kid. But I understand your "best from worst" scenario.





Seriously, I don't know that I'd take back any event though. I've made more than my fair share of mistakes, but all told they got me to where I am today, and where I am today ain't that bad at all.

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Gong to a private ($$$) college right out of high school instead of the state school I was accepted to. I had to drop out due to lack of funds, and it took me years to get back, and I'm still not done as life keeps getting in the way. Woulda been done, and debt free :( Of course, then i wouldn't have met my wife all those years later due to moving several states away from home to be in a band with a guy i met at said school. So yeah, life is funny :)

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Seriously, I don't know that I'd take back any event though. I've made more than my fair share of mistakes, but all told they got me to where I am today, and where I am today ain't that bad at all.


:thu: That is kind of the philosophy I have taken. I went through some rough times, but I am past it, things are going good/better and learned and experienced some things along the way... So I guess i have to go back to "If I had only started learning bass earlier!"

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Most recent: Fewer tequila shots last night. I was so hungover this morning I couldn't even swallow advil.


Long term: I should have taken school more seriously. Then again, I had a lot of fun skipping all those classes. Oh well, two more years to shape up...


By the way, I did make it to class with a horrible hangover, whereas in the past I would have slept in.

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Making fun of a girl in grade school - I mean seriously and mercilessly teasing her because she wasn't very good at math....



For the record: I suck at math. Nobody ever made fun of me for it, though. Not to my face, anyhow... And I don't think that's something you need to regret, Chris. For all you know you could have inspired her to get a tutor and she went on to become a rocket-scientist. Everything happens for a reason. I truly believe that.

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I wish I had had more kids. I love 'em.

Uh.......what kind of cigar is that anyway?



the world is filled with kids who need someone so maybe you are not yet finished ...


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