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Recommend me a small bass combo


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I want to start playing bass soon, hoping to buy one after Christmas. I know I want a Squier Vintage Modified '70s Jazz Bass, but I'm not sure about the amp. All I need is a small combo, nothing too big. I'm not sure if I'll ever be gigging with it, I'll probably be mostly playing at home since my main instrument is guitar. I would like something I could do at least bar gigs with. Here are some amps I'm looking at, let me know what you think. It would be nice to keep it under $200.


1. Nemesis N8



2. Marshall MB15



3. Peavey Max 110



4. Crate BT25


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You better plan on miking those amps as none of them are loud enough for gig purposes. Look for a Peavey TNT or an Ashdown 180 15. Check out craigslist.com in your area. If it were me I'd scratch out a couple jobs and get An Ampeg B100R

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You better plan on miking those amps as none of them are loud enough for gig purposes. Look for a Peavey TNT or an Ashdown 180 15. Check out craigslist.com in your area. If it were me I'd scratch out a couple jobs and get An Ampeg B100R



How much is the Ashdown 180 15 used?


I mostly likely won't be gigging with bass so maybe I'll just get the Nemesis listed above. Unless of course any of the other amps I listed are better.

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I like my Peavey basic 12 for home and small gigs.. It's a little sucker, but it kicks out some great sound, and plenty of it! If there is PA support, I could easily count on it to gig with, but I have a Yorkville BM200 I use for that...

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I went for the same exact bass as you're planning on getting - and let me tell you, it's AMAZING. Not just "for the price," but it is really just a great instrument.


As for the amp, I found an Ibanez SW35 barely used for $140. Great little amp that can get loud enough to practice with a drummer. It's not big enough for gigging - even small gigs, but it's bigger brother, the SW65 should do the job nicely. They go for about $220 or so new, so I can't imagine it being hard to find one for under $200 used. It's 65w with a 12" speaker. If I were you, I'd look around for one of those.



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That 'biger brother' sounds like the basic 12, 60 wtts with a 12. I swear mine has only gotten better sounding with age, and it can keep up with a drummer in most small situations..... With proper PA support to get your sound right for the mix, of course

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That 'biger brother' sounds like the basic 12, 60 wtts with a 12. I swear mine has only gotten better sounding with age, and it can keep up with a drummer in most small situations..... With proper PA support to get your sound right for the mix, of course



Yep. I got the 35w version just because I really don't need more wattage. I was really just looking for a small practice/recording rig and this Ibanez SW35 did the trick perfectly.

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the Peavey Minx 110 is a great little 35 watt amp that is built like a tank/has great sound and can be played with a guitarist and drummer in a practice session at moderate volumes and still be heard well.....


I got one in 1990 for like 129 bucks and still have it today. I keep it at my Brother in Laws house for when I go there to Jam. no problems keeping up with a 50W Fender Tube amp.

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If it's just for "at home" use, I would recommend one of the Roland Bass Cubes. I don't think it would do well by itself at a gig, but for home practicing, they would make a great amp.

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If it's just for "at home" use, I would recommend one of the Roland Bass Cubes. I don't think it would do well by itself at a gig, but for home practicing, they would make a great amp.




I was just going to say this... I've got the 30, great for in-the-house!


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