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OT: More Oregon Weirdness


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I had the opportunity to move to Corvallis (to teach Latin and such)- thanks, man. I am glad I didn't!



Corvallis is not Portland. You think there aren't any paedophiles where you live?

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I could see this guy just being an attention whore/prankster instead of a pedo. What pedo really admits to being one and calls attention on himself in such a way? I'll bet the guy just likes getting people all fired up.

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Why is this "Oregon Weirdness"?



I tend to agree.


I saw an interview last night where a reporter asked a police spokesman what they were going to do about this guy. The spokesman said something like "well, I don't like what the guy does, but we handle 500 cases a month where children are actually hurt. These cases are a much higher priority than some guy with no prior convictions."


It's media hype, people.

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You need to just marry Fark.

Heh. loser.



What's your problem with me, bucky? It's getting old. Seriously, quit it or PM me your list of grievances with me so that we can figure this out, but your public rudeness towards me is getting old and boring.

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What's your problem with me, bucky? It's getting old. Seriously, quit it or PM me your list of grievances with me so that we can figure this out, but your public rudeness towards me is getting old and boring.


*grabs pitchfork and heads for canada*


I heard you don't even play bass.


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What's your problem with me, bucky? It's getting old. Seriously, quit it or PM me your list of grievances with me so that we can figure this out, but your public rudeness towards me is getting old and boring.


If you can't figure it out, I sure as hell am not going to tell you. :blah:

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Sorry Thumper. When we ran that prevert out of So Cal we had no idea he'd wind up in Oregon.



Saw that this morning. Love the media blitz about a guy who's not actually done anything.


I'm sure there are far worse individuals not only in every city, but probably in your very zip code. heh


Edit: I don't condone his websites, but until he touches someone, he's kinda got the constitution protecting a lot of what he says.

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Saw that this morning. Love the media blitz about a guy who's not actually done anything.

I'm sure there are far worse individuals not only in every city, but probably in your very zip code. heh

Edit: I don't condone his websites, but until he touches someone, he's kinda got the constitution protecting a lot of what he says.



What he was doing was taking pictures of little girls, posting them on his website and instructing other pedophiles on the best places to get photos of little girls. Is this behavior illegal? Probably not, but just because something's not illegal doesn't mean it's not slimy, perverted and wrong and it's only a matter of time before some angry dad explains it to this {censored}er by beating him to a bloody pulp.

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What he was doing was taking pictures of little girls, posting them on his website and instructing other pedophiles on the best places to get photos of little girls. Is this behavior illegal? Probably not, but just because something's not illegal doesn't mean it's not slimy, perverted and wrong and it's only a matter of time before some angry dad explains it to this {censored}er by beating him to a bloody pulp.



Again. You have no expected degree of privacy in public. Celebrities are prone to expecting this.


Again I don't support or condone his actions, but if you go down to a local park and start snapping pictures, you aren't breaking any laws unless there's a posted "No Photography" sign (which in a park would be retarded).


*shrug* I guess he is making his point more clearly by all these people getting up-in-arms about it. The more folks who get mad, the more he smiles and laughs to himself I bet.


Buck the moral majority and you get serious backlash; even if you don't break any laws. Some of the things I did to my girlfriend last night would probably be seen as lascivious, degenerate, perverted, and wrong, but hey, it doesn't involve any children!


All you gotta say is that "C" word and people get angry.


100 people died today in a suicide bombing.


100 people, mostly children, died today in a suicide bombing.


The second one is more heart-wrenching because children are "more precious." {censored} that.


If they can honestly say they'd be as against this guy if he were taking pictures of co-eds in college, I'd be on their side about the photography thing. But to be 100% crystal clear, they wouldn't. They would give the guy a TV show probably.


Until he breaks the law, I say leave him alone. The second he does, rip is nuts off with vise-grips.

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Again. You have no expected degree of privacy in public. Celebrities are prone to expecting this.



You're talking the law, I'm talking angry father. Any self-respecting dad would expect a degree of beating the {censored} out of this guy and the law can be damned. Anybody taking pics of my daughters and posting them on a pedophile website can expect a degree of traction in the hospital.

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If you can't figure it out, I sure as hell am not going to tell you.


Well, if it makes you happy I guess keep up the good work, but frankly, its been said and we all get it. I really don't care if you like me or my posts, but why call me a loser? Seriously? It doesn't bother me, but I'm curious why you feel this need to lash out at me. It puzzles me... :confused:

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You're talking
the law
, I'm talking
angry father
. Any self-respecting dad would expect a degree of beating the {censored} out of this guy and the law can be damned. Anybody taking pics of my daughters and posting them on a pedophile website can expect a degree of traction in the hospital.



Then you are a fool. If a father puts his family at risk by courting a jail sentence for assault, he is doing his family far more damage than a guy with a camera in a public place. One must always consider the consequences of ones actions.

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Then you are a fool.



That's me! And my biggest satisfaction would be insuring that he spent more time in a cast than I spent in jail.


All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

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That's me! And my biggest satisfaction would be insuring that he spent more time in a cast than I spent in jail.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.



Meanwhile, your kids have to deal with the stigma of having a jailbird for a father. Your wife has to deal with being a single parent for however long you're incarcerated. You have greatly reduced the family income, and opened yourself to a civil suit which could make that significantly worse. How, exactly, have you helped the situation?

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Meanwhile, your kids have to deal with the stigma of having a jailbird for a father. Your wife has to deal with being a single parent for however long you're incarcerated.



No, my ex-wife would have to deal with getting the kids back! ...and as far as having a jailbird for a father...too late.

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So you'd leave the kids at home with no adult supervision? Again, I don't see how this is going to help the situation.



It'll help the situation because a slimeball like Jack McClellan and those like him would know that while the law may not have a problem with their particular brand of perversion there are people who do and there are people who are prepared to take a stand. Remember, this guy was run clean out of California by what amounts to an angry mob. He was the topic of discussion on talk radio all across the dial and he had judges who wanted him gone so bad they were issuing restraining orders against him that weren't even constitutional. As a parent and as a member of the society we live in you gotta draw the line somewhere and freaks like Jack McClellan are it.


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