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Letting the band die. Warning, blog!


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So I've been talking with the guys the past couple days and we all realize this band needs a change. Not to blame anything on anyone but the drummer we brought in just doesn't have a steady sense of tempo or rhythm/groove. He has big chops but we as a band sound sloppy and our rhythm is all over the place. The guitarist and I both realize that our styles go together very well, and we both want to find the best project for us. Good to hear because this guy rocks, and I love playing bass with his guitar work. Guys who can play like him are very few and far between. If we were to come across a great drummer, we'd probably get our singer back and start again. If not, well it's time to search for another project, and hopefully one that the two of us could get into. Either way, it's good to get this out. The last few times we've played out it has really, really bugged me how sloppy we sound. It was not a band I was all that proud of actually the way things turned out. The drummer we had when I joined was dead on all the time and we all rocked as a whole. When he left it became something else, and not in the same league at all. So who knows when I'll get back to playing out, but I'd rather go this route than drudge on with a band that was becoming more and more frustrating. Blog over.:cool:

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Nothing wrong with that at all. When I left my old band, it was for similar reasons; we'd screw around during a 5+ hour practice and the few gigs we did sounded sloppy. It's a tough choice to split and try something else, but I was of the mindset that if I don't enjoy playing in this group, there is no point in playing with them anymore.


Nice to know you have the guitarist on the same page as you. If anything, you guys could see about sequencing a drum track, and doing a duo thing around town if you really wanted to.

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To me, nothing is better than to play with a drummer with Swiss time and dynamics -- thats what makes or breaks the fun for me playing bass.


Good luck to you and your guitarist............:thu:

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To me, nothing is better than to play with a drummer with Swiss time and dynamics -- thats what makes or breaks the fun for me playing bass.


That's exactly it, it just became zero fun when every song is a struggle to find a groove. I play for beer money so it better at least be fun!;)

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To me, nothing is better than to play with a drummer with Swiss time and dynamics -- thats what makes or breaks the fun for me playing bass.

Good luck to you and your guitarist............


I agree, though for me, the drummer doesn't have to be a machine, I like it when a drummer can keep perfect time, sure, but a drummer who can, and then on top of that, knows how/when to swing it a bit or push/pull the tempo for emphasis with the right feel (has to be shared with the rest of the group, of course) is perfect.

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I agree, though for me, the drummer doesn't have to be a machine, I like it when a drummer can keep perfect time, sure, but a drummer who can, and then on top of that, knows how/when to swing it a bit or push/pull the tempo for emphasis with the right feel (has to be shared with the rest of the group, of course) is perfect.


agreed..I just didnt feel like typing all that :D

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To me, nothing is better than to play with a drummer with Swiss time and dynamics -- thats what makes or breaks the fun for me playing bass.

Good luck to you and your guitarist............


Thar's just silly. Swiss time is many hours ahead.

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I joined up with a drummer and 2 guitards about six weeks ago. Drummer is all over the place (Weed) but wants to tell me how to play. Main guitar/vocals wrote the songs, {censored}s them up (Hard Liquor & Weed) more than the drummer and forgets the words even though he has them on cue cards 3 feet in front of him. The lead guitarist is good but says watching football is more important to him (12 pk in cooler by amp) than being in a band. I'm out of reasons (Water) to continue showing up. It's like Thumper says. NEXT!

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My drummer has rock solid time, his style however is that he prefers to be going hammer and tongs, or at least doing something MOST of the time. He's a far cry from my old drummer, who was sloppy and the reason I left that band.


Current drummer is probably a bit straightforward for me now and the music I write is more flowing, but then without a guitard it is hard for us to find a common thread. The poor guy recently dislocated a shoulder, as he told me last night. Whether that's the truth or not doesn't matter, we will have a break and attack it when he's repaired.


Finding a guitarist and drummer to suit my music may be difficult and I have to admit that this guy may not be the one.

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I joined up with a drummer and 2 guitards about six weeks ago. Drummer is all over the place (Weed) but wants to tell me how to play. Main guitar/vocals wrote the songs, {censored}s them up (Hard Liquor & Weed) more than the drummer and forgets the words even though he has them on cue cards 3 feet in front of him. The lead guitarist is good but says watching football is more important to him (12 pk in cooler by amp) than being in a band. I'm out of reasons (Water) to continue showing up. It's like Thumper says. NEXT!


OMG! This is hilarious!! :D

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Our original guitaro/singer was a sloppy mess on stage, so we hired a new guitaro, canned the old guy, and the new guitaro took over singing. Now I couldn't be happier, except that we don't rehearse enough and I do 100% of the work for the band outside the rehearsal room...


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Sounds like you know what you want and this is the best plan to get there.


Really it only means I know what I don't want. I still have no idea how to get there...;)

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To me, nothing is better than to play with a drummer with Swiss time and dynamics -- thats what makes or breaks the fun for me playing bass.

Good luck to you and your guitarist............




once again DRF is correct....and sexy




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