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OT: the completely useless statistics thread!!!!


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It's Sunday, so that means it's time for me to start a pointless thread that will make you all think. If nothing else, my threads will make you think "Boy! This guy's Bored!!!" or "Funkee, you have no life!" (edit: I know what you're thinking.... How is this different from any of your other posts???)


So here is the game:


Post a completely useless piece of information, but present it as a statistical fact. It can be true or false, but remember......with the minds on this forum, if you post something untrue, someone will prove you wrong (Like Emprov or C7....) so I suggest sticking to things that, after a person reads it, they go "Well Duh!!!"


As usual, I'll start:


It is a fact that 100% of all NFL Games are 50% complete by the end of the second quarter.


It is also a statistical fact that All super Bowls have been won by the team that was leading when time expired.

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25% of people make up 1/4 of the world's population.


That's a good one!


I'll go out on a limb, and add that 100 percent of all Americans belong to an ethnic group.

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During its long summer years, the now declassified planet Pluto has a tenuous atmosphere comprised mostly of Nitrogen. Even at that distance and the sun being a fraction of what it is here on Earth, Astronomers believe that a person standing on the surface would see a fairly lit blue sky not too dissamilar to what we see on Earth......


Not a statistic but I thought this was kinda neat................ :D



DRF is 100% handsome

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A 2006 a study done by the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that 24% of Americans between 18 and 50 are tattooed; that's almost one in four. And the survey showed that about 36% of Americans age 18 to 29 have at least one tattoo!

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100% of the people who read this thread are logged onto HCBF.

First, you log into harmony central as a whole, not the bass form. Secondly, there are absolutely lurkers reading these pages, who don't have accounts.


C'mon, people! :D

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Roughly? That's not a statistic!

A lab rat will eventually die doing anything for a long enough period of time.

First, you log into harmony central as a whole, not the bass form. Secondly, there are absolutely lurkers reading these pages, who don't have accounts.

C'mon, people!

Sorry, should have said, "viewing HCBF".

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92% of bassists are getting yelled at by guitarists when they are louder than them. The remaining 8% can play as loud as they want when the guitarists try to impress some ugly chicks.


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