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Near-studio time: Recommend me a DI

Rippin' Robin

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Yes, I know L.Ron's is the best, but I can't have that one :p


So I'm off to the studio in a few weeks, and rather than get a some Behringer DI thing, I'd rather get something better.


Any recommendations? I was looking at the Radial DI box, which is rather nice at around $90. But there must be more than that. Keep 'em coming!

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Using the DI of your SVP isn't an option?

When's the new album due out anyhow? Any other insider info?


It is an option, and I'm using it. But. I would like a clean DI as well.


Insider info coming up when I return from work tonight :D

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Studio? Plug right in the the desk/board. You might need a compressor between your bass and the board.





Is there a way to find out what kind of DI the studio folk already have? They might have a killer one there, thus saving you some money.

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Studio? Plug right in the the desk/board. You might need a compressor between your bass and the board.



Another +1, except that you will need a compressor.

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Since the OP is "looking at the Radial DI box, which is rather nice at around $90" I think the Avalon and Brick suggestions are a little out of the price range he's looking for. Audiopile has a nice active one that should be almost as nice as a Countryman for about $50 US plus shipping. T-Broom mentioned that his sound man has an exact copy of that one only the brand name is Conquest. There was a dude on ebay selling a lot of 10 for $25 US per piece. I'd look on ebay for auctions like that in your neck of the woods, Rippin' Robin. Where there are 2 identical with different name badges, there are probably more.



Another +1, except that you will need a compressor.

Yep. Any decent studio is already going to have comps/limiters and DI boxes on hand for that matter.

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You should definitely check with the studio before you go out and buy your own, though.


+1. I have a Radial JDI that I like. We started recording a demo to shop around to club owners last week, and the engineer plugged me into a Countryman DI. I really like the tone he got. :thu:

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Countryman. But what makes you think you need to supply your own DI box? The studio should have plenty.

Just show up with your amp and they'll find something. ;)


Seriously, if need be, will you have the option of reamping later if necessary ?

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Thanks to all for your ideas and hints.


One thing I should've mentioned, we're doing home studio work here. Got a Focusrite Octopre and a kick-ass computer. So unfortunately, there's no studio to shop around in :D


I'll look into those Conquest DIs. Good tip.

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Does the Focusrite OctoPre have limiters on the preamp (before the digital conversion)? If not, it may be worth investing in a decent limiter, so you don't digitally distort (clip) the signal as it's being recorded.

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Does the Focusrite OctoPre have limiters on the preamp (before the digital conversion)? If not, it may be worth investing in a decent limiter, so you don't digitally distort (clip) the signal as it's being recorded.


I have a 19" comp/limiter, so that's sorted.


RSB: I ain't splurging on nothin'. I'm saving up for that Modulus, mang! :thu:

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I have a 19" comp/limiter, so that's sorted.

RSB: I ain't splurging on nothin'. I'm saving up for that Modulus, mang!


Haha, well I'm about to grab a Conklin 7 (for real!) so if you still want the chechen Q5 lemme know! I think I just gotta hang onto that fretless for right now.

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Haha, well I'm about to grab a Conklin 7 (for real!) so if you still want the chechen Q5 lemme know! I think I just gotta hang onto that fretless for right now.


No prob. I've decided I want the fretless if I'm going to let my fretless Carvin go. If you're not in a hurry, I sure ain't either :thu:


So it didn't work out with the Q6 then?

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No prob. I've decided I want the fretless if I'm going to let my fretless Carvin go. If you're not in a hurry, I sure ain't either

So it didn't work out with the Q6 then?


Nah, decided I needed to keep the Wal. Too sweet of a find to let go anytime soon.

Well I'm gonna put up both Q5's then if you're holding out for a fretless, which I totally understand, as it is one bad mother! :thu:

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Nah, decided I needed to keep the Wal. Too sweet of a find to let go anytime soon.

Well I'm gonna put up both Q5's then if you're holding out for a fretless, which I totally understand, as it is one bad mother!


Whoah, you're letting both fretted Q5's go? I thought the green one was a keeper.


You need to turn in your Main-Modulus-Man-card if you do :D


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