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OT: Binkley Review 2- The Bionic Woman!!!!


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Ok. I decided to wait for a second episode before I reviewed the new Bionic woman. I was on the fence about the premiere. You all know the story: JAmie Sommers (A bartender in a "Coyote Ugly" type bar, not a Tennis pro.......big mistake on their part, I say)) is injured in a car accident. Her genetics professor boyfriend, who also works for a shadowy, X- files-ish, government agency, led by scenery- chewing Miguel Ferrer, to be rebuilt with bionic implants (both legs, one arm, one eye, and one ear). Since Really Big Govt has invested in her, they decide to draft her into service.


One of the more annoying things about the show is they gave Jamie a teenage sister. She has to take over the parent role of this rebellious teen, but she disappears to do missions, and get's a call from sister's school because the sister is smoking pot in the bathrooms. What???? This is why superheroes do not have kids!!!!!! And who's watching angry teen l'il Sis while Jamie Sommers in in Istanbul fighting Terrorists????


In the premiere, they cover her absence while getting the implants, by saying she was on a skiing trip. Smart l'il sis figures this is a lie. since big sis doesn't ski, and storms off in a huff. In fact, that seems to be the only thing this character does!


There was a good fight sequence in the premiere. It seems the previous attempt to make a bionic woman has gone rogue, outfitter herself with more bionics, and may be trying to kill Sommers and the rest of SGA (shadowy Govt Agency).......or is she trying to help her??


The show is well made, with great camera work, and cool specials, but I suggest moving along. There's nothing to see here, folks.


Side note: The chick is kinda Hawt.......



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the pilot was okay and i was really hoping that this show would make it. the second episode was really lacking to me.

i hope that they can fix it.

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the pilot was okay and i was really hoping that this show would make it. the second episode was really lacking to me.

i hope that they can fix it.

They're trying way to hard to set up a mythology, like X- Files. When you can tell they're setting up a backstory, it never works.

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There was a good fight sequence in the premiere. It seems the previous attempt to make a bionic woman has gone rogue, outfitter herself with more bionics, and may be trying to kill Sommers and the rest of SGA (shadowy Govt Agency).......or is she trying to help her??



That's Starbuck! :thu:




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