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She gon' kill me...

Fran da Man

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Thanks to Roger (hasbeen) and Juan from Bass and Beyond this baby has found a home.

The 600 GBE kills...i can't imagine what the 750 or 1200 sounds like. :eek:

I do already miss all the pretty blue leds...but i's happy!!!




Does anyone else sneek gear in? :D

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You hear that boys? Through the FRONT door.

It came in through the front door; she's just not home right now.

It will set right there when she does come home...she probably won't notice it.

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So Fran...you're rockin' the 600 and a Neo 212?!?

Yes sir, and i thinking about the GB NeoX 112T...that way i'll also have a super mini-rig...Neopak 3.5 plus the NeoX-112 and that little thing should kick some hiney.

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Yes sir, and i thinking about the GB NeoX 112T...that way i'll also have a super mini-rig...Neopak 3.5 plus the NeoX-112 and that little thing should kick some hiney.






Welcome to my world!!!

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DAMNNNNN!!!! do want!!!!

Jeff, you think you'll ever need anything more rig wise? not counting effect and what not.



Not really. Anything beyond this is "want".


I still have a hankering to buy some more basses.


I've gigged with almost every possible combination of that GB rig.

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Welcome to the family Fran!

As for me, this is the first time in my life I do not feel that I need more rig. That says a lot with the 212 being my smallest main cabinet ever.


Damn!!! we should start a club. :D

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I desperately want a GBE600, but it has eluded me so far. Everytime I have the money, I can't find one available, and when I can find them, I don't have the money.

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I desperately want a GBE600, but it has eluded me so far. Everytime I have the money, I can't find one available, and when I can find them, I don't have the money.


I've been not-very-seriously thinking about breaking from the club and going to a GBE750. The idea of separate EQs for each side of the pre has my interest piqued. And the fabulous blue LEDs sure are enticing! But I'd have to let the gig money pile back up for a month, and find someone to buy my GBE600 (with both footswitches and the original packaging ;) ) and then try to find a used GBE750 at the right time. Is it really worth it when I'm so happy with the 600 to begin with? :idk:

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The buddy that I sold Catphish's Son of Bertha cab to bought a GBE600 when Musician's Fiend blew 'em out. He's got a better rig than most players in my area now. ANYWAY, I just told him again today that I wanna rock his Genz thru my Bergie 12. Looks like I'll finally get to next week. :rawk:

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I've been not-very-seriously thinking about breaking from the club and going to a GBE750. The idea of separate EQs for each side of the pre has my interest piqued. And the fabulous blue LEDs sure are enticing! But I'd have to let the gig money pile back up for a month, and find someone to buy my GBE600 (with both footswitches and the original packaging
) and then try to find a used GBE750 at the right time. Is it really worth it when I'm so happy with the 600 to begin with?

I agree with those blue leds...they have a character thats all their own.

Are you running GB cabs?


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