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My first audition


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Ok, fellas, I'm going on my first audition today at 4pm. I am pretty sure I'm not ready and will likely make a fool out of myself, but everyone says to join a band to improve so I thought I'd give it a go.


This band does Ramones-style originals, which I thought might be good for me to get my feet wet since The Ramones ain't exactly complicated stuff. I'm not so much nervous about getting the gig - they won't be ready for live shows for a couple months so I have plenty of time to learn the material - but I'm terrified of the audition itself.



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When you walk in, punch one of them in the face and start tapping Moonlight Sonata. As soon as you've finished the first movement, start playing an A-D-G-C-E progression as fast as you can. They'll be inspired, impressed, intimidated, and in-loveeee.



Or, you could just be friendly, compliant, and ready for some fun. :thu:

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Yeah, I'd agree with that.


Be yourself and don't worry too much about playing absolutely perfect. They won't.

Just be relaxed and make a good impression.

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Ramones style? Relax and have fun.


Carry a positive attitude and simply allow them to show you what they want. Remember KISS(Keep It Simple Stoopid :D )...if your having trouble, simply strip the part down to where your always hitting the one of each bar tightly with the rest of the group, and they'll dig it. :)


Best of luck! :wave:

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haha! The dude I've been talking with says they won't be ready for gigging for a few more months. I don't even know if they already have a name, but if not and I get the job, you know what we're gonna be called! :D


Thanks for all the advice.

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Ya' know ... auditions are unlike job interviews in the sense that you aren't relying on getting this gig so that you can eat & buy clothes. So, you're on more of a level playing field. As much as they are examining you, you gotta be doing the same to them.


Are they people whom you think you can work with? Are they as serious or as casual as you prefer?


Attitude and confidence are most important. Even if they decide you aren't a good fit, they might suggest you try out for one of their friends' bands or help you in other ways.


Also, think about this as getting the experience you need. No matter how things turn out, you'll learn more about yourself and what's happening with this music thing.

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I agree with the previous posts.


Keeping it simple, root noting on parts you don't know.


Enjoy and groove with the drummer.


Oh, and good luck. :thu:

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Also, think about this as getting the experience you need. No matter how things turn out, you'll learn more about yourself and what's happening with this music thing.


That's pretty much why I'm going - for the experience of it. I won't be too disappointed if it doesn't go well. At least I'll know for next time.

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Are you going to use that tiny amp you have to audition?

He actually said don't worry about an amp for now. But I'm not ashamed to drag my 6" Peavy with me! :p

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Ya' know ... auditions are unlike job interviews in the sense that you aren't relying on getting this gig so that you can eat & buy clothes. So, you're on more of a level playing field. As much as they are examining you, you gotta be doing the same to them.

Are they people whom you think you can work with? Are they as serious or as casual as you prefer?

Attitude and confidence are most important. Even if they decide you aren't a good fit, they might suggest you try out for one of their friends' bands or help you in other ways.

Also, think about this as getting the experience you need. No matter how things turn out, you'll learn more about yourself and what's happening with this music thing.



Not to mention the fact that job interviews are full of lies/half-truths that won't get discovered until you under perform on the job where as an audition is a more accurate reflection of your abilities.


I have no business being in one band, let alone two, but some bands just want/need someone to hold down the bass chair. Obviously they don't all go well, but if you have been honest about your intentions and your skill level I have found with a little bit of confidence, a willingness to be a contributing member of a band and a good attitude, auditions can be a lot of fun and you can get the gig even when you are just starting out.

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I have no business being in one band, let alone two, but some bands just want/need someone to hold down the bass chair. Obviously they don't all go well, but if you have been honest about your intentions and your skill level I have found with a little bit of confidence, a willingness to be a contributing member of a band and a good attitude, auditions can be a lot of fun and you can get the gig even when you are just starting out.



Amen, brother!

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Ya' know ... auditions are unlike job interviews in the sense that you aren't relying on getting this gig so that you can eat & buy clothes. So, you're on more of a level playing field. As much as they are examining you, you gotta be doing the same to them.

Are they people whom you think you can work with? Are they as serious or as casual as you prefer?

Attitude and confidence are most important. Even if they decide you aren't a good fit, they might suggest you try out for one of their friends' bands or help you in other ways.

Also, think about this as getting the experience you need. No matter how things turn out, you'll learn more about yourself and what's happening with this music thing.



So well put...I've been lucky and had to do about 4/5 auditions in my 31 years of bass playing. And I've made every mistake in the book- overplaying, blow 'em away with my chops (that's a pathetic one), etc.


A band is a social circle as much as a group of people in a business to make a few bucks and have fun. Therefore, you check them out as much as they check you out. Ask questions: Anybody here a polesmoker? That should break the ice....:D

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Ya' know ... auditions are unlike job interviews in the sense that you aren't relying on getting this gig so that you can eat & buy clothes. So, you're on more of a level playing field. As much as they are examining you, you gotta be doing the same to them.

Are they people whom you think you can work with? Are they as serious or as casual as you prefer?


I agree totally. Personalities make or break a band it seems, so you definitely want to get a feel for the people while you're there. Also it sounds pretty arrogant to say this, but when I go to an audition I view it as me giving them a chance to prove to me that they're a band I'd want to be in. You have to have some confidence in yourself, and know that you have something to offer that they need. If you do you'll play better, have much more fun, and it will show to them as well. Don't be afraid to decide that they're not the right band for you either if you need to, there are always others. Hope it goes well, but as was said go in with the intention of having fun. Oh, and since it's Ramone's style music, rock that bad chicken!:cool:

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I've gone on plenty of auditions with a 6" amp. All you gotta do it mike it.


if they have that good of a PA set up you don't even need an amp at all. :)

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Just have fun with it. And, make sure they're people that YOU want to play with. Don't join a band that's not for you just for the sake of being in a band.


Good luck. :thu:

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Well, it wasn't awful. It wasn't great. I left feeling better about it than I did before I got there, so I guess that's a good thing. The guitarist said I had balls for coming out. I took that to mean that yeah, I'm not ready (as I thought), but I did it anyway and I survived.


Probably didn't get the gig. But he said he'd email me some songs this week. We'll see, I guess.


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