Members BrutusSiezeHer Posted October 26, 2007 Members Posted October 26, 2007 I play mostly guitar but I've got hold of a bass recently & I want to use it for computer recording & jamming. I was thinking about buying an M-Audio Black Box which does Amp Simulation & FX for guitar & bass, besides acting as a USB interface to a PC. But now I've got a much cooler guitar box (Zoom 9.2tt) so I only need to create bass amp/FX sounds & feeed them to USB (+ a monitor for jamming). So the question is, are there any cheap bass AmpSim/FX/USB boxes cheaper/better then a Black Box? I'm interested in getting a pretty wide range of bass sounds for a wide range of styles (rock, funk, reggae, folk) but I know zero about bass sounds. All I have heard is that compression is commonly used for some styles such as funk - the BB only has a single knob to control compression level so it can't adjust any other parameters. What other effects do I need for a versatile bass sound & does the Black Box supply them? I'm also looking for a monitor for jamming guitar & bass. Because I want to re-create the Amp&Cab-Sim sounds I create on my USB boxes, I want a flat response rather then a dedicated guitar or bass amp. THe best unit I've come across so far seems to be the Tech21 Power Engine which might sound good for guitar & bass sounds. Otherwise, a good 100W keyboard amp with 12" speaker or power-monitor might work. Any ideas or comments?
Members guitargod0dmw Posted October 26, 2007 Members Posted October 26, 2007 You don;t need any effects for a versatile bass sound, so I wouldn't be basing the purchase of equipment on that. Check out the Bass POD XT or XTL. If you can afford it...the new X3. They've got everything you need.
Members WillPlay4food Posted October 26, 2007 Members Posted October 26, 2007 You might want to check out the Stealth Plug or Line 6's line of computer-based products.
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