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What do you want to happen to your body after you die?


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I hate wakes and funerals. I just want to be cremated and then have a short memorial service followed by a party. We did that for my grandma on my moms side and for both my parents and it turned out really nice. Wakes are such morbid events. Who wants to go look at a dead body. I'd rather have the urn with ashes in it and a bunch of pictures of myself.

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I don't want a big sad funeral, nor do I want a a grave.


Burn me, get drunk on my dollar, and throw me somewhere. Move on.

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Burn me.


The choice of funeral is up to... well... whoever. I would say "no funeral" personally, but that's really their choice. The funeral is more for the living, a chance to say a final "Goodbye", so I'll let whoever make that choice.

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Any organs that can be used as transplants shouls be harvested and given to someone who needs them. The rest should be donated to science. My body is of very little importance to me once I'm dead.

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BBR'ed baby. No donor card for me. Most of my organs will probably be useless by the time I'm dead. As I get older, I'll prepare a will to be charred without being embalmed. Then have proceeds from my estate set aside to have my ashes scattered in a few places (some i've been already, some I will soon) with plane tickets for whoever wants to take a little trip to see why.

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I hate wakes and funerals. I just want to be cremated and then have a short memorial service followed by a party. We did that for my grandma on my moms side and for both my parents and it turned out really nice. Wakes are such morbid events. Who wants to go look at a dead body. I'd rather have the urn with ashes in it and a bunch of pictures of myself.



same thing here. that's what we did when my grandfather died. Then a year later my grandmother, on the other side, died. She had a pretty typical funeral where you are laid out and everyone walks up to the casket.

I have been to a few funerals before when I was younger but this was my first one as an adult. And after that experience I know that their is no way in hell do I want everyone gawking at me and saying how natural I look to family while whispering to others that it looks nothing like me

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first i wanna donate all my organs people who need them, then i dont care....


be buried underground and get eaten by worms... or cremated and then thrown to fishes... whatever... I WILL BE DEAD! WHAT WILL I NEED THE BODY FOR? just do whatever its cheaper...


just please, take care of my beautiful beatiful basses :(

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Don't really care, honestly. Not a religious type, so a funeral would kinda be for everyone else. Maybe have my head stuffed and hung on the wall of my game room?

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Cremate me and spread ashes at some place like the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland. That way, in order to visit my remains, someone has to have a heck of a lot of fun while they're at it.

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Honestly, and this is no lie as it's already in my will. I want to be cremated and my ashes spread over Mt. Sunday in New Zealand. It's where they filmed Edoras in the Lord of the Rings movies.


Yes, I'm that big of a geek. But I can't think of a more beautiful location for my ashes to be scattered. For me anyway.


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