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So I am finally learning to read music


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I can read music. Meaning, I know what the notes on a staff are. I used to play piano and saxaphone, so I can read a staff. I just have never spent time learning to read music for bass. When I play bass, I am normally listening to my ears, so I don't always think about the notes when I play them. So I have a huge disconnect between hand placement, and know what the notes are. I never think about it.


I am trying to marry those worlds, and it sucks.


I was at a John Pattatucci clinic recently and he talked about an old teacher of his that forced him to learn to read. His advice was, "Do it every day." So that's what I am trying to do. 30 minutes a day minimum reading music. I found a book on walking bass, and I am using it to learn to read music and to learn to walk bass.


This sucks. Wish me luck. I feel like a damn beginner every time I put sheet music in front of me. :thu:

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read music. Meaning, I know what the notes on a staff are. I used to play piano and saxaphone, so I can read a staff. I just have never spent time learning to read music for bass. When I play bass, I am normally listening to my ears, so I don't always think about the notes when I play them. So I have a huge disconnect between hand placement, and know what the notes are. I never think about it.

I am trying to marry those worlds, and it sucks.

I was at a John Pattatucci clinic recently and he talked about an old teacher of his that forced him to learn to read. His advice was, "Do it every day." So that's what I am trying to do. 30 minutes a day minimum reading music. I found a book on walking bass, and I am using it to learn to read music and to learn to walk bass.

This sucks. Wish me luck. I feel like a damn beginner every time I put sheet music in front of me.


I know the feeling. Stick with it. :thu:

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I've gotta do that too. I can work off charts all day long, come up with interesting stuff to play etc, but if it's a specific line that has to played a specific way, I have slow way down to figure it out. I should be able to just rip it. :mad:

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I can work off charts all day long, come up with interesting stuff to play etc,



I'm not even there yet. The more I learn about music, the more I realize I have to learn.

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For the past year and a half I have been trying really hard to learn. I can't, I'm no better than when I started. I know where the notes on my bass are, but I'm lost everytime I look at music.

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I'm learning at the moment too, but I haven't played another instrument before bass that required me to learn it. I'm gonna go shopping for a nice book with just sheet music. I find it annoying when they have tab under the staff. It distracts me and I find myself working off the tab instead.

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This sucks. Wish me luck. I feel like a damn beginner every time I put sheet music in front of me.


Welcome to the club....all I can tell you is


1) every now and then you'll notice "dayum....I couldn't do that a couple months ago"


2) it is SOOO totally worth every minute you put into it....


And yep it's not complicated....regular and persistant. You can even practice reading without a bass...just visualize...it works

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im just beginning to learn to read...made myself a pile of flashcards with bass staffs and each note for 2+ octaves, as well as intervals through 2 octaves and various arpeggios...made em this evening, and going to use them on the train to and from work...once i know them all perfectly, no thought needed...im going to sit down and do bach...


dreading it in a way...but should be good in the long run...


i was recommended a book called syncopation in 4/4, for drummers, but a good way to train to recognize alot of different rhythyms in notation immediately


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