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Leaving the instrument cable plugged in whilst on break


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Probably a stoopid question, but 2 of my active basses' batteries have 'died' over the course of a break (maybe 20 minutes tops). Is this coincedence, is it because the 'circuit is completed and draining the battery if the jack is plugged in', is it cosmic retribution for once chucking a battery at my brother when I was younger?


Do people unplug on break? (active bass players only) Generally I turn off my amp but don't unplug the bass - lately I've started doing so, however... anyone out there with me on this one? Any electrical engineers in the building? :confused:

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I always unplug on breaks but a battery should not drain down over a 20 minute period. A battery should last about 3-6 months with normal usage.

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I always unplug my basses on a break whether they're active or not because...1 clumsy band member + dark stage + a few beers = foot tangled in cord and bass off the stand and on the floor.

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I use a wireless and so don't worry so much about clumsy people tripping. I turn of the wireless but I don't unplug the cable from my bass's input. Even doing this, my batteries last around 6 months. There's no way yours should be dying on a 20 minute break.

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If your battery dies during a 15 minute break it would probably also die during a 45 minute set. Sounds like the electronics are {censored}ed to me. I never unplug during breaks

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+1 to all above my batteries last bout six months? depending on type if you get the extra value 100 for 3 quid deal then they mite last 20mins? but yeh the batteries do drain if you leave them plugged in but not to large ammount?

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My Lakland has passive/active...so during breaks I put it in passive which disengages the battery...


During breaks I also always put the tuner in mute mode....

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Other than the superior and more organic tone of a passive bass, I can't think of a better reason to play passive instruments than this. . . . .no batteries to go dead.:wave:


Thud is joking of course, but turns tail and leaves thread quickly anyway.

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My Lakland has passive/active...so during breaks I put it in passive which disengages the battery...

During breaks I also
put the tuner in mute mode....



substitute Lull for Lakland.


plus i don't gig all that frequently so i usually change batteries before a show.



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I found out recently that the Lavaman cables actually allow me to use less battery life when my bass is plugged in. I also find that vintage batteries sound better:thu:




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I found out recently that the Lavaman cables actually allow me to use less battery life when my bass is plugged in.



as long as you are using it in a directionally correct manner.

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I found out recently that the Lavaman cables actually allow me to use less battery life when my bass is plugged in. I also find that vintage batteries sound better:thu:




Lava cables recharge my non-rechargeable batteries and improve my left hand technique on my fretless basses.

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I unplug. Part of the reason is to save battery life, But I also do it to remind me to tune up when I get back on stage. Plus, my bass stand is on the side of the stage -- too much of a problem to have a cable running over there too as I share it with the guitard.

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The only active bass I will ever buy will be a Stingray.



I only own one-The Streamer. I've found I don't care for active 4 stringers. Passive is just so much better.





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