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For all of you feeling your Christmas is being usurped by others...


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Christ is a title, not a name. As is Immanuel.

His "name" was Yeshua, and he was The Christ (meaning "The Annointed One"). Immanuel means "God with us" and comes from the Isaiahic prophecy.

As for "christ" as a title, Emperors and Kings through out the Middle Ages were referred to as christs, because they had been anointed upon their ascension to the throne.



I know that. How else could I be sure that Christ was not his name?


Jesus Christ!

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So you're saying that we, in the US, put up fir trees because somebody did a few mosaics of a Roman goddess? Seems like a stretch. Besides, there at least a few coniferous trees, I don't see anything saying that she was carrying a Fir. Knowing very little about the trees in the area, I'm guessing that it was a Cedar that was in the Mosaic.

In the end though, it's another one of those symbol things and, as you know, symbols change over time (swastika anyone?). Not really a big deal from my perspective, it's just interesting to read the history.



No, I'm saying that people put up trees, and Christians rationalized it after the fact. The symbol, the tree, is not Christian, was neither directly influenced nor inspired by Christianity, but became part of the tradition due to that after the fact rationalization.

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I don't really have faith in any religion. But I observe the feasts at this time of year because Midwinter/yule/whatever has always been a special day in European culture. So it got moved 4 days later, whatever.

For me, Christmas/whatever is about being with family, appreciating what you have, and valuing relationships and friends. Which is why I like this time of year, despite not really belonging to any inclination.

Plus, if everyone else is happy or is trying to be, why be cynical? Join in and have fun :)

That's how I see it, anyhow.

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