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2010 Corporate Tax Rate: US = 46.2%, China = 25%


In the midst of a serious global economic slowdown, with devastating reductions in corporate profits, accelerating business bankruptcies, and massive corporate layoffs, many (US) state lawmakers are working to increase tax rates and fees on corporations and businesses. Concurrently, the White House and a majority of representatives in Congress are promising more tax increases and the elimination of many tax credits. Instead of helping US companies be more competitive and profitable and thereby allow the US economy to remain the job creating engine and economic driver of the world, our politicians are punishing and handicapping them. What could they be thinking?


Looking toward 2010, if President Obama and Congressional Democrats keep their promises, we will witness the once unthinkable: free-market America will tax its companies at 46.2%, almost double the rate of state-controlled China at 25%. As the world's largest economies continue to embrace lower corporate tax rates, a friendlier business environment, and greater prosperity for their people, the US will move backwards to the failed policies of the past, of punitive taxation and mediocre growth at best.

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The US has the highest corporate tax rate in the world.



bar none...and by a lot...


Compare the current 41.6% rate to socialist France where companies pay only 34.4% in taxes, to China where the rate is 25%, or Russia which levies a mere 24%. Corporations in Ireland, Europe's fastest growing economy for the

last 18 years, pay just 12.5% in taxes.

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I saw the thread title, and my firs thought was, "Oh boy! Sexy Party!"

Then I saw who the thread starter was...

Not to devalue the message but ya. C-D is kinda starting to get a rep for these kinds of threads. C'mon Dax, broaden your posting spectrum. I don't want tin foil hats to come to mind when I see your name!

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IMO/IME, C-corps aren't needed anymore unless you have like ultra-mega-high risk and millions of stockholders, etc..


Why any person or couple who owns/runs their own business and has one of these is freaking beyond me...


Oh well. We'll just watch a lot more top tier US companies move overseas and then have all these dip{censored}s calling them names and "Unamerican" for not bending over and taking it w/out any lube. :)

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