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Well, I'm getting ready...


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I haven't said too awful much on here, although the forumites i see somewhat often know something's been brewing...


I go in for lower back surgery monday morning. L5-S1 region, the procedures are microdiskectomy, microforminotomy, and hemilaminotomy. Mainly the left side, but the right should see great relief also.


As the surgeon states, officially, the stated purpose of the procedure is to stop the injury from worsening. But he's quick in stating that nearly everyone is supprised by how much better they feel afterwards. And, I've discussed this with a number of people who have been through the same or similar repairs to their lower backs, and all have experienced great relief and wished they would have done it sooner.


My brother-in-law's coming up for a week to get me through the critical time. Then the Dr and co. say it should be far easier than the 2 neck fusions I went through, although my bending is extremely limited for 2 weeks, and my lifting for several months.


So the big gear gets shuffled to the basement after we jam tomorrow, to make way to the gas log fireplace which will be major comfort over the next 2 months. And there will be no playing for the next 3+ months. On the neat-o side, we started recording our stuff on my H-4 last week. In 44.1 stereo. And I found my Acid license so I can access it now. Will Cubase or whatever, also help in tweaking the eq and balance of the recordings? I think I have that too. Anyways, I guess this can be my jonesin' relief for a while...


I'm a bit nervous. I've got an excellent surgeon. And hopefully the friends and neighbors will be as willing to pitch in as they said. ;) I'm most nervous about catching a bug between now and then that would postpone the surgery.


If it were that simple, or if it had been an emergency, I would have done this the next day when the doc and I talked about this in July!

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All my fingers and toes are crossed for ya, man.

On the lighter side, I would think your that beard of yours, would keep you plenty warm


Pretty sure carrying the beard's what jacked up the back.:lol:




J/K. Good luck, man.:thu:

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Thanks for the wishes and mojo, all!


Looks like my hardest thing will be the fact that once or twice a day I'll need help from neighbors and friends for odd jobs that are either too heavy and or require bending. And this is incredibly limited to no bending and a quart of milk in weight to start. Whew!


So, today I got the last of the arrangements/discussions with the hospital, and a stop-in at the eye doctorsa about the Prx needing tweaked. Then got the car down to Pep Boys, 'cuz after replacing the one CV joint on my vaca a few weeks ago, it was feeling like the other was about to go. Turned out that the one that was replaced was defective. So, it ate up my day, but, it's fixed, and won't be any problem for my B-I-L when he's using the car while in town.


Seems as long as i keep busy, I'm not really concerned. But if I have too much freedom to think...

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