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ID this Samick?

Mr Pigwalk

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So this dude that drums for me sometimes has a bass to offload, 100 bucks, almost definitely going to buy it, but I'd like to figure out wtf it is. Made in Korea, serial starts with 05, bubinga top? I guess the pups are low endy, I've only been able to play it through a Boss GT6-B that I got recently. Fretboard looks alot darker than any rosewood boards I have, could be ebony? Tight grain on em.


I'm not a bass player, but often times I'll end up recording bass lines for my bands. Nice to have around the house to noodle with too. I don't own a bass yet, for the price I'm almost definitely buying this, but I'd just like to know what i'm getting.





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The days of a $100 cool cheap bass are running out, I'd grab it. I just picked up a used Samick P-bass copy. The neck is great and the pickups looked cheap, but sound decent enough that I've left 'em in. I have recorded with it, rolled the tone knob back and got pretty nice results.

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Samick Chanted Evening...



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ID this Samick? - Harmony Central Musician Community Forums posts - 4 authors - Last post: 19 minutes ago

misterhinkydink. Hall of Fame Member. misterhinkydink's Avatar. Join Date: Jun 2004. Location: Tamalewood. Posts: 7474. Samick Chanted Evening. ...

acapella.harmony-central.com/showthread.php?p... - 19 minutes ago - Similar

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posts - 4 authors - Last post: 19 minutes ago

misterhinkydink. Hall of Fame Member. misterhinkydink's Avatar. Join Date: Jun 2004. Location: Tamalewood. Posts: 7474. Samick Chanted Evening. ...

acapella.harmony-central.com/showthread.php?p... - 19 minutes ago - Similar




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There might be a Samick guru out there, but from what I know there is little to no way to properly ID a Samick- I might be out to lunch, but anytime I have searched, there seems to be nothing out there that resembles an archive or database for their instruments.


However, this looks very similar to a 5string I used to own. The pictures aren't good enough to tell, but I'm willing to bet it's a poplar or alder with a photo top finish. (mine was poplar) Sometimes you get some crazy woods that were cast off from another company for some reason, so you might be lucking out too. If you take the back panel off, you should be able to tell by looking at a cross section of the body.


The neck looks too light for ebony.



This bass is totally worth the money for 100 bucks though, go ahead and grab it. I seem to recall the machine heads completely sucking too. You might want to have a good look at those, but they're easy to replace.



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Yep. I've owned 3 Samicks, and all have been great.


Where were these guys 8 years ago? :mad::(


I owned a samick custom once that was really a cool bass, and easily stood it's own against Iby's, ESP's, etc in it's price range. I say if you like it, get it.

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