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doesn't matter at all which bass I play live.....

Cliff Fiscal

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not one bit. I could play just about anything live......and it would sound fairly decent.

talk about GAS extinguisher!


Totally agree.


I've done gigs with totally different basses and not even had band members notice, let alone the general public. (totally different = 6 string active bass compared to plywood 4 string pbass).

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For live, pretty much only two things matter to me:

1) The bass must play super easily and be comfortable

743) It must sound OK


I have yet to play a bass that I couldn't coax a sound I like out of though - it's almost all ergonomics for me. Tonal flexibility is nice and all but honestly, I am getting more and more in the direction of not caring much :p

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For live, pretty much only two things matter to me:

1) The bass must play super easily and be comfortable

743) It must sound OK

I have yet to play a bass that I couldn't coax a sound I like out of though - it's almost all ergonomics for me. Tonal flexibility is nice and all but honestly, I am getting more and more in the direction of not caring much


This is what I'm talking about!


Comes down to feel more then anything. :thu:

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Recording I've heard the difference.

Bass tone is very important in recording......can turn a lack luster track into a punchy dynamic one.

Comes down to feel more then anything.


Too true. It's funny to see guitartdists get so bent outta shape about their tone needing to be this and that and these volumes :blah:


When cranked to gig volumes, just about anything will do and just about nobody can tell the difference.

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I dunno. When I played my Yamaha versus my Hanewinckel when it had the handwound dual-coils, I thought the two basses sounded quite different even in the band mix. Even my guitarist noticed it.


I'd be worried if mine didn't notice the different lol! Hell even my drummer can tell in the monitor mix when I throw in the MTD! It's not as kids heavy which he doesn't like as much whereas my NS2 is a low kids and crunch machine.

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The members of my past two bands all could tell the differences between my basses, and certainly had their preferences. The most obvious extreme was my Reverend 5L's. The difference of those basses in the mix was so extreme and obvious that anyone could easily tell the difference. Those were not liked much by the bands though, they just didn't fit well into a good band sound, way too extreme and prominent of a tone. If you can't tell the differences between different basses, I think your ears might need some fine tuning.

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Prolly bc you suck.
my band can pretty easily tell between my NS2 and Charvel, like I can tell between the ESPs, LPs and Schecters they play.

I do want a SR4 tho. That should vary it up some even more.



Yeah, my bandmates definitely notice the difference between my Spectors, Schecter, and Fenders - although the crowd never does, which isn't surprising at all...




- georgestrings

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