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Funkee's New Music Monday!!


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Bluedogaudio is prolly gonna hate this, and it ain't exactly new.....


But I have just discovered a Wyclef Jean song called "Party To Damascus", which has one of the sickest beats ever, IMHO!!




Actually, how I discovered it was on that smooth jazz cover compilation I told you fellers about a while ago, and I had to dig up the real thing.

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Yeah.... I knew you'd hate it!

But that beat, with the little eastern motif will be stuck in your head the rest of the day, like it has been in mine!


Mainstream rap. What's not to hate? IDK, that beat wasn't anything special. I think it's time to pass the "New Music Monday" torch to someone else.

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Mainstream rap. What's not to hate? IDK, that beat wasn't anything special. I think it's time to pass the "New Music Monday" torch to someone else.


There's no torch. The thread is about music I found interesting this week. You can do your own if you like.

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The champ of what?

Here's the deal.... I started this thread originally so everyone could post stuff they found interesting. Old, new, whatever. It'll be new to someone.


The thread has devolved lin the last few Mondays to me posting something and you saying it's {censored}.


I challenge you



No! I dare you


I triple dog dare you


To post some new music you think is better than mine!


But you won't.....cause you're chicken! Bawkbawkbawk!!!!



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Here's the deal.... I started this thread originally so everyone could post stuff they found interesting. Old, new, whatever. It'll be new to someone.

The thread has devolved lin the last few Mondays to me posting something and you saying it's {censored}.


I don't like most of what you post because it's either mainstream pop music, or you post it simply for the hot girl in the video. IDK, if it were me, I'd maybe find some songs that have some bass guitar in it. Just a thought.

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I don't like most of what you post because it's either mainstream pop music, or you post it simply for the hot girl in the video. IDK, if it were me, I'd maybe find some songs that have some bass guitar in it. Just a thought.


Blah, blah, blah. Put up or shut up! What you got fool??


Oh. and for the record, I have posted vids from The Yellowjackets, Abraham Laboriel, Alain Caron, Victor Bailey and many others. I happen to like pop music.


Again I say if you don't like what I post, instead of telling me my music sucks, post something YOU like. The point is to share music!

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I honestly don't have anything new to post right now. I don't sit around thinking about what I'm going to post for New Music Monday.


That's the whole thing...neither do I. You seem to be under the illusion that I stress, obsess, and worry about what to post here, but I don't. As I go through my day, if I hear something I find interesting, I post it here. Sometimes it will be bass-related, sometimes it's something I cannot believe is a hit, or sometimes it's something I remember as a kid influencing my playing. That's why I do the three weekly threads I do.


Now the other 3500 threads I start are just cause I'm bored!


I don't know if you were around a year or so when I first started doing the New Music Monday, but I said, in the initial post, I would be posting a song for us all to discuss each week. Sometimes it would be obscure, sometimes silly, sometimes old, but it would be new to somebody!


The idea was to encourage discussion about the music. Since you seem to have enough time to insult my musical tastes, I again challenge you to do better. Post something you DO like!! It'll take a whole lot less time than trying to prove I'm wrong, and maybe someone else will dig it!

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It takes me a whole 10-20 seconds to figure out if a mainstream rap song is any good or not. :poke:


I bet it would take you the same amount of time to post something you think is worthwhile as it does to post that Cartman Vomiting pic you love so much.


I'm just sayin....

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