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How I did it: "Thrustin my way into your hearts" (A Thanksgiving Special)


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5 string bass anyone?


I made a lot of friends with this one.

The rest are simply notable.

Feel free to post, or request a post of your favorite Thrustin recording. It's a thanskgiving miracle!:thu:

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How disappointing.

I was expecting a catchy Thanksgiving tune. Instead I get a listing of songs I already know. Like one of those lame TV episodes full of flash-backs.

Thrustin. You're better than this.

Write me a God-Damned Thanksgiving Day Song!!!



This is a thanksgiving flashback miracle. Enjoy it! What's your favorite song?

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Here are songs that I recorded in the week leading to my banning.




I didn't write this one, but it should be included. Harry!



This was posted very shortly before I was cast away.


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Here was a protest song I had someone post here while I was gone.:lol:
you might remember the melody from a previous Thrustin hit.

Here is another protest song that I wrote during my bannination.

This one was written for my return. It focused on Jazz Ads assertion that he had never posted in one my my threads or listed to one of my songs. Nobody seemed to like this song, but whatever.:idk:

It's been quite a ride.

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