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Ska Anyone?


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Cool. I really dig the band, but admit to not taken the time to know "them" at all, had no idea they changed lineups at all.


I caught them on a tour opening for No Doubt back when that was the current album, would that have been him then? My foggy memory says no, and the guy they had then was much better, his feet rarely went below the 3 feet in the air point. The dude had mad jumping skills whichever bassist it was.


Their drummer relocated up this way, he's a DJ now on our local radio station.

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Ska sucks.

Ska revival isn't cool, you stupid {censored}.

The bands are only in it for the bucks.

And if you don't believe me, you're a schmuck.

But the trend will die out with any luck.



WTF are you talking about?? This is not main stream music you ignorant {censored}. haha

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I can't stand ska. I had to listen to the same stupid {censored}ing Buck O' Nine CD every time I let my ex-wife drive, for 8 {censored}ing years. :mad: doesn't describe my intense distaste for ska.


There's only really one reason I don't like it: the horn sections. To me it sounds like there's one ska line for horn sections, and they play it in every song. I once jabbed a Ka-Bar up under my chin and it came out my forehead, and it was less painful than that {censored} for {censored} Buck O' Nine CD.:D


Oddly enough, I get my rocks off playing white boy reggae, which is essentially ska without the stupid horns, played 15bpm slower.:D


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I can't stand ska. I had to listen to the same stupid {censored}ing Buck O' Nine CD every time I let my ex-wife drive, for 8 {censored}ing years.
doesn't describe my intense distaste for ska.

There's only really one reason I don't like it: the horn sections. To me it sounds like there's one ska line for horn sections, and they play it in every song. I once jabbed a Ka-Bar up under my chin and it came out my forehead, and it was less painful than that {censored} for {censored} Buck O' Nine CD.

Oddly enough, I get my rocks off playing white boy reggae, which is essentially ska without the stupid horns, played 15bpm slower.


It's funny but almost every musician that I have ever played with hates ska. And I don't mean the "eh ska blows" kind of hate, but the "ska {censored}ing sucks balls" kind. It seems like their is no middle ground when it comes to peoples feelings on the genre.


Personally I love ska. If I could actually find enough people in this area who dug it I would start a ska band tomorrow.


Here are a few of my fav's.






This is one of my favorite songs to play






The album that this song is on "Don't know how to party" is still one of my favorites of all time. I listened to it almost every day in the summer of 93 and it still holds up 16 years later. After seeing this song on 120 minutes ( how many people remember that show?) I was hooked



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Most musicians passionately hate ska because musicians generally have a more refined taste in music than the average skanker that's perpetually drunk on PBR. It bugs those with refined taste when something insipid or pedestrian is wildly popular; this is why all of us find American Idol offensive.


Yes, I just compared your favorite style of music to American Idol. I'd also like to point out that your favorite car is no better than the Chevy Vega, and no matter what your girlfriend looks like, you should be {censored}ing fat chicks and/or fat dudes dressed like chicks.




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All systems go soon the world will know the furious attack feel the wrath of the super rad, super rad, super rad, SUPER RAD!


That song gets me going every time.


I did hate ska for a while way back then, but several bands (many in this thread) helped convince me otherwise.

Once, I told my band that I found a horn player and we were gonna be a ska band now. No one showed up to practice :lol:

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