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Musicman 115RH... Sounds great with so many different amps, but I think it's found a 'Place In The Sunn' (wordplay!!)


Really forward-speaking cabinet that can go deep. Currently using a Kappa... Not the prettiest cab in the world, but one of my favorite 1X15's to date...





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So how'd you like that danny boy. Whats it like to play, looks weird


Great bass... I have nothing but love for the Dano's, and that one holds a special place in my heart... The whole package can be an acquired taste sort of thing, but for my roots-rock band it nails it! Light, plays like a breeze, sounds great... What's not to love?


I can post this in this thread, due to the rig in the background... '71 Ampeg V4 pushing a '70 Gibson 800B 2X15 cab... Now that was a smokin' rig!!





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Musicman 115RH... Sounds great with so many different amps, but I think it's found a 'Place In The Sunn' (wordplay!!)

Really forward-speaking cabinet that can go deep. Currently using a Kappa... Not the prettiest cab in the world, but one of my favorite 1X15's to date...



No surprise that it goes well with the 200S. It's derived from the Sunn "folded horn" speakers of the late 60's.

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What tis a folded horn?


You know what a horn is, right? Well, bass horns have to be much larger, so they are often folded along their length to make them fit into a smaller space.


But that's not what Sunn did. The so-called "folded horn" cabinets of the 60's were basically ported cabinets, with the port having the shape of a horn - and reversed, at that! The result was that the port acted like a venturi, increasing the air velocity coming out. You can really feel the air pumping against you legs when you play with a 200S cabinet.


Again, that's not what this is. Later, someone realized that a horn has a small throat and a large mouth, so Sunn reversed the flare of the port. The problem with this is that the horn is far too small to work as a horn at bass frequencies. Anyway, the Sunn 215S, 215M (same cabinet, different drivers), and 115S are of this d3sign, and so is the Music Man 115 RH.


Here's a JBL design where the port is horn loaded:


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