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Need Banner or Backdrop for band....


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We're thinking about getting some kind of banner with the band name/logo on it to hang behind us.


Most bands around here seem to have a plastic banner - perhaps 8 feet long.....just white letters on black background.


I'd like it to look good, be "reactive" to different light colors - and most of all be easy to transport and hang. Durability is a must.


Anyone have any suggestions on what to get - and what to avoid?


How much should I expect to spend?

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Originally posted by joestanman

please don't. that is the tackiest thing in the world. just build a cool merch board/booth.


I was gonna say "make your music and stage show memorable, and save yourself some money", but I didn't wanna come off sounding like an asshole.


Thanks for giving me the set up!



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A banner is a good idea, don't listen to people who think it's tacky. The problem is that no matter how good you are, unless you say your band's name every 4 seconds, no one will remember it. A banner is a much easier way to do it.


Check out these guys, I had a banner made by them recently and it came out very well http://www.lowpricebanners.com/

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A different (cooler) idea is a lightbox sitting at the front of the stage....

You can build one yourself for next to nothing (depends on the size) out of wood, some frosted perspex and a few light globes. Then get a sticker cut with the name of your band and stick it on the front.

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How big is it for $40?


I checked out the site - I like the idea of using pictures on the background.


Did you have to provide them with artwork - or did they do it for you.


Would you change anything if you did it again?



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Originally posted by unichord

How big is it for $40?

I checked out the site - I like the idea of using pictures on the background.

Did you have to provide them with artwork - or did they do it for you.

Would you change anything if you did it again?




I got a small one done up, I think 2' by 3'. But it's not that much more for a larger one. And they do full color, any image. You have to provide your own image if you want the cheap price, but they can work with you. I just sent them a .jpg and they did it up.

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Originally posted by fastplant

A banner is a good idea, don't listen to people who think it's tacky. The problem is that no matter how good you are, unless you say your band's name every 4 seconds, no one will remember it. A banner is a much easier way to do it.

Check out these guys, I had a banner made by them recently and it came out very well



A banner, like all other forms of promotion, is not just a good idea, it's a GREAT idea...it lets the audience know who you are immediately...and the better your act is known, the easier it is to book well-paying gigs and sell merchandise!


Why else do you think successful bands ALWAYS use a banner or backdrop w/ their name on it? NAME RECOGNITION!

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What's with this fear of doing too much advertisement? You never have too much exposure. It's your performance that will dictate whether or not you will be seen as "tacky", not the presence/absence of a banner.


Actually, I'd rather see a nice banner on the stage rather than constantly being reminded by the singer (and we never understand what they're saying anyway).


At the very least, put the damn logo on the bass drum! (my drummer think its more important that people remember the make of drum than the name of the band!).


I wonder if some people think our band's name is Ayotte? :D

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Exactly. I can see if you have a banner AND you say your name 10,000 times it can get annoying. But if you're awesome and people take note and you never say who you are, what are the odds those people are gonna come see you again? They'll have no idea who you are. Most bar patrons don't want to do any work to find out who you are, even if you are good, and even if said work is just finding the merch booth.

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Originally posted by Hardtailed

At the very least, put the damn logo on the bass drum! (my drummer think its more important that people remember the make of drum than the name of the band!).


That's where I put our little banner, since I have no bass drum :D



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Lots of things are tacky to people too cheap to buy them. A banner, by its nature, is not tacky - though certainly you could make a tacky banner.


My band's name is the same as my moniker, and just saying it over and over doesn't guarantee people will figure out how to spell it. But if they see it even once, they are likely to remember how to spell it and can find the website.


A merch board or booth is also a good idea, and potentially it could be the thing that makes the most money for you. Still, the folks need to see your name somewhere on the thing - and a banner is one way to do that.


IMHO, the audience should not have to look too hard to see who you are, much less wait for you to clue them in from the stage once they've decided they like your music. Pretty much anything you can do to make the process of identifying you and finding your gigs and buying stuff from you easier is a good idea. You can make your own choices as to what is in good taste.



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Originally posted by Timezarrow

A merch board or booth is also a good idea, and potentially it could be the thing that makes the most money for you. Still, the folks need to see your name somewhere on the thing - and a banner is one way to do that.



I wanna find an artist I can collab with to do a "tour" type T shirt to sell at gigs.


It'll have our name on the front with an evil clown face, then on the back a cartoon image of some guy face down in the road with tire tracks across his back and the "Fall Tour '04" lineup superimposed over it listing gigs at nursing homes and hardware store grand openings and silly {censored} like that.




Somewhere on it, we'll also put our website address....


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Originally posted by Crustycabs

Dude....Didn't you get the memo?

Drummers aren't allowed in here!



P.S. Is that an electronic kit you're playing?


I'll show myself out. Haha, yeah, it's a Roland V drum kit. Started off as smaller set but has grown over the years.

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Originally posted by fastplant

I'll show myself out. Haha, yeah, it's a Roland V drum kit. Started off as smaller set but has grown over the years.



Those things are tres kewl.


Which processor unit are you using with it?


I was in a band with a guy who had a kit like that, and I think he had the TD-8.

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