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Musicians that should not be allowed!


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Musicians that should not be allowed, add as you see fit:


Lead singers that wear leather pants over the age of 40 Years old.


Drummers that have drumsticks and not one pair matches.


Drummers that will not change their drum heads and they insiste they still "sound good"


Guitarist's that play with out of tune strings all the time.


Soundmen with homemade gear that insist that they have better stuff than what you can buy in the music stores.


Keyboard players that use stupid organ sounds on stage.


Keyboard players that wear keyboard ties on stage.

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Originally posted by Outkaster

Soundmen with homemade gear that insist that they have better stuff than what you can buy in the music stores.



Soundmen with homemade gear that ridicule you for buying some "piece of garbage" $4,000 guitar.

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Lead vocalists who sing out of tune and insist it's because they can't hear themselves over the music.


Anyone who joins a band with an "image" and then refuses to adopt or play along with that image.


Guitarists who insist on lugging a full stack amp to a gig where a combo will do just fine.


Drummers without stamina.


"Artistes" that refuse to acknowledge the business side of the music business.


Musicians who think staying up all night getting wasted before a gig is a good idea.


Bandmates who refuse to kick in for band expenses.


Slow songwriters who won't accept help with lyrics/melodies.


Anyone joining a Goth band who has never listened to Bauhaus or Christian Death.


Anyone who treats their birthday like it's a national holiday (oh I can't rehease/gig that day because it's my birthday). Especially if you catch them doing nothing that day.


Ah the list could go on for ages...

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Originally posted by Outkaster

Lead singers that wear leather pants over the age of 40 Years old.



Really? Even if it's a hot chic lead singer and she looks better in leather than most chics in their 20's? ;)


I'll be the first to admit there are plenty of gone-to-seed yahoos out there trying to front and be something they're not. However, the mode of thinking that someone shoudn't be allowed to wear something just because they reach a certain age (especially if they can still pull it off) is kind of outdated.:p

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Guys who don't work on any harmony parts during rehearsal, then double someone else's part on stage, and insists it sounds good.


Guys who add vibrato to harmonies when no one else is singing vibrato (and the only band I can think of that does good harmonies with vibrato is King's X).


A drummer who has to play the last note, EVERY SONG.


Guys who won't let you try to find gigs, insist only they will do it, but they don't follow through.


Guys who don't help load in/out has already been mentioned, but it easily tops my list. :mad:


Guys who can't clean up their language during outdoor, all-age shows or weddings, making the whole band look bad.


Guys who WANT to play "Sweet Home Alabama".


Man, this little exercise got me all bummed out. I'm going to get some lunch...

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drummers that dont understands dynamics

drummers who drum inbetween songs...already mentioned

singers who think they can sing certain songs when they cant

guitar players who fiddle with knobs on their amp during songs

guitar players with crappy guitar cables..

players who insist that since they like a song everyone else will

bandmates who dress like total bums at a gig and expect to be treated like pros..

bandmates who refuse to practice a song more than once

bandmates who chat after the gig and dont help pack up...also goes along with loading after a gig



hmmm....thats all for now...dont get me started


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Originally posted by eightball2

drummers that dont understands dynamics

drummers who drum inbetween songs...already mentioned

singers who think they can sing certain songs when they cant

guitar players who fiddle with knobs on their amp during songs

guitar players with crappy guitar cables..

players who insist that since they like a song everyone else will

bandmates who dress like total bums at a gig and expect to be treated like pros..

bandmates who refuse to practice a song more than once

bandmates who chat after the gig and dont help pack up...also goes along with loading after a gig

hmmm....thats all for now...dont get me started


Yeah really. We have a girl singer causing a little bit of trouble with the other girl singer in our band. She maybe gone soon. Singers have a tough job but often they do not understand all of the dynamics of being in a band.

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Singers who don't know the difference between frequency and amplitude (98% of all karaoke singers)


Musicians who play the intro to the song before the song starts to "make sure they have the sound they want." (write it down you dunbass restard!!! :mad: )


Drummers who don't know the beat to the song they're supposed to be playing the intro to and make it up as they go along.


Soundmen who insist on mixing by ear while ignoring the fact that they've got some channels maxed out to the point of clipping.


Musicians who recognize that they really should be practicing at home on their own time then refuse to do so and make up lame excuses for why they didn't.


Bar owners/managers who agree to certain payments then claim they won't follow through because there's not a big enough crowd. This is especially annoying when they never bothered to advertize that they're suddenly going to start having live music at their place.


Band members who won't help pay for advertising.


Band members who won't recognize that others have $ thousands invested in equipment and insist that they should be paid the same as everybody else. (this gets tricky... :( )

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Originally posted by ratthedd

Band members who won't recognize that others have $ thousands invested in equipment and insist that they should be paid the same as everybody else. (this gets tricky...

How do you deal with that. I own the pa and have invested much more money than the others.

I have tossed around the idea of taking a percentage as "pa rent", but in all honesty, when I just came in as a guitar player the split was always even, regardless of who had the pa.

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Guitarists with 15 battery powered effects & no extra batteries.


Same as above but they never change their batteries so their effects sound like crap because there's not enough juice left in their crappy Big Lots 10 for a dollar batteries.


Guitarists who constantly buy/trade effects so they're always learning how their new gizmo works during rehearsals/gigs.


All players who don't bring extra cables/batteries/strings/tools.


All players with no basic troubleshooting skills - "Follow the signal path to figure out how to make the sound come out"


All players who don't mute when they tune.


All players who only know the opening lick to a song but insist on trying to figure out the rest during rehearsal. (Also goes for singers & lyrics)


All players who won't listen when the sound guy says they're too loud on stage.


Hey, this is kinda fun...

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Originally posted by jahozer

How do you deal with that. I own the pa and have invested much more money than the others.

I have tossed around the idea of taking a percentage as "pa rent", but in all honesty, when I just came in as a guitar player the split was always even, regardless of who had the pa.



I have no idea.


I've been the sole PA owner in my band mostly just because I hapened to fall into that role. Over the years there's been talk about taking some of the money we earn doing gigs and buying stuff that belongs to the whole band, but I really hate that idea because what heppens to the stuff when someone leaves? Do we have to buy that person out? Who gets to decide what upgrade equipment gets bought? If one person thinks we have to buy a BBE unit because that would give us a better sound and someone else says we really need a decent EQ first, then what? Do we all vote on stuff that only one or two people know anything about?

I guess I'll just keep buying upgrade stuff for MY PA then if I decide I want to rent out my services as a sound guy to other local bands that don't have a PA I can.

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My biggest issues are guys with ego's that have no reason to have them. There are a lot of local guys that have never been anything but local guys that walk around like gods. Great musician or not you are still a person and need to act like one. The other one was mentioned earlier and it's the "motivated" band guy that says they are going to do a bunch of band stuff i.e. booking, web design and whatever and doesn't follow through on any of it.

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