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how long is a show for you?

axe2 2001

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The standard around here is 4 hours, maybe i'm gettin old but {censored}, by the end of the night my throat is toasted from singin, my shoulder is getting sore and instead of partying all night like usual, I wanna grab some food and go home to crash. :confused:

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4 hour show and usually 3 hours 15 minutes actual performance. And those nights do get long sometime but I prefer that to short shows. We charge the same for short shows simply because the work involved is set-up and tear-down, the music is pretty much free. Thats why we generally stay away from festivals and have set a two hour minimum performance, hell, we want to play.

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Our normal festival show sets consist of one 45 minute and one 60 minute set for a two hour gig or just a one hour show set if that's all they want.


Club sets are 9 - 1 and are usually four 45 minute sets. We run our show sets at clubs with a "normal" set before and after the show sets. But we only play a couple of clubs.


Rarely do we play more than four hours. Weddings, corporate gigs, etc. can sometimes stretch to five hours, but I really crank our rate for anything more than four hours so it rarely happens.

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God, those are long shows. Are the majority of you cover bands? Most bands that I go to see play for about an hour max, and the support bands are usually about 35-45 minutes each (these are bands playing original material, first one on at about 8pm, with the headline band finished by 11pm).


Our set is about 35 minutes long, but we haven't been gigging very long and so far have played at mostly "events" (eg, last night we did a fashion show/performance art event) or parties.

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I play originals, and I could play for 4 hours. But it seems like no one wants me to play that long... :eek:


The shows I do are usually around an hour or so, which doesn't seem like much time. I don't take breaks during a show, so a couple hours is easy. More than that takes a little more planning. ;)


Most cover bands that I see, playing in bars, etc, have shows that are 3-4 hours, with a break or two.

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we keep it close to thirty minutes.


it's all original material and part of our plan is not to make songs 'flabby' - no long intros or overlong instrumental sections or whatever. for me, self indulgance is really offputting with live acts. we just like to get on their, do our thing, then get off leaving the audience wanting more.... :)

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Cover band - we play 5 sets of about 45 minutes each and about 10-15 minute breaks in between.


We start playing around 9 and finish up around 1:30. That means I get to the venue about 6:30 - 7:00 to set up the PA and don't get home 'til after 3.


Lessee, 8 hours... ...$400 split 7 ways... ...Man, no wonder I've got so much freakin' money!!!! :eek:




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