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How do I come up with a good band name?


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Not quite the same thing, but you also get bigger acts playing smaller gigs under other names. Metallica playing as Vertigo and Iron Maiden playing as The Holy Smokers, Charlotte & The Harlottes, etc, comes to mind....

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Originally posted by Base

Not quite the same thing, but you also get bigger acts playing smaller gigs under other names. Metallica playing as Vertigo and Iron Maiden playing as The Holy Smokers, Charlotte & The Harlottes, etc, comes to mind....



Yip. And The Pistols, during 77 when they could barely find a venue that would take them in the UK, used to play under a whole bunch of names - S.P.O.T.S. was one (Sex Pistols On Tour Secretly), I think "THe Tax Inspectors" was another.


If I was in a band of that size, I'd probably do that all the time, just for the craic. I know a lot of them do it for the sake of trying new material out live without the pressure of a really big show, but it must also be a fun chance to get to go back and play smaller venues - I imagine it's not always a whole lot more fun playing super enormodomes as the artist than it is being in the audience. "You didn't come here tonight to watch TV!" Bono once said during the Zoo TV tour..... I guess that must have been at least semi-ironically delivered, given that probably the only way half a stadium audicne could see him clearly would be to watch the big screen....

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