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Feedback on band photos


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I'd like to get some feedback on some band photos we had done the other night. Our sound is punky glamrock style. I have the sneaking feeling that the others are going to pick the one I don't like simply because they think the arrangement looks like a New York Dolls album cover. (Not to mention I've got a stupid Billy Idol sneer in it but whatever.)


Anyway, any comments appreciated:


Original shot:



With a bit of a "halo" around the singer:



My personal pick:



The one I fear the others will go for with me doing a dumb sneer:


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Thanks for the feedback guys. Great minds think alike! My other half is a pro photographer which is very handy. I'm just hoping the other girls agree - they're really stuck on this idea of recreating some New York Dolls album cover which I think is a bit contrived.


The cyclone is doing fine :D , the the guy must not have hit it as squarely as I'd thought (I'm assuming you saw my thread about the band we played with last weekend). The promoter of the night found out about the whole thing (not from me, I prefer to handle stuff myself without tattling) and says he's never booking the other band again.

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Yeah, I read about those jerks.


My wife and I were just in your fair city a couple of months ago. I ended up doing a fair amount of hanging out on Denmark St. We went to the 12 Bar Club one night (did a bunch of other stuff like the Symphony as well)...but, it takes awhile in London for out of towners to know where the cool live music venues are. I take it most of 'em are around the Soho area. I would like to go back...what are the best venues for live music (any type)?

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Aw too bad I wasn't posting much then, we'd have taken you out for a drink.


I like the 12 Bar, the cafe out front is really nice during the day too.


The Barbican has really good stuff on, a lot of it tends towards the artsy end of the spectrum but I had tickets for Herbie Hancock there recently. Unfortunately I got food poisoning the night of the show and couldn't go (long story) but the others who went said it was incredible.


The toilet circuit venues vary, but if you're looking for new guitar bands you can get lucky with places like the Barfly and Dublin Castle in Camden, as well as places near Old Street like Cargo, 93 Feet East, 333 etc. However, a lot of those places tend towards the style-over-substance end of the spectrum. I'd always check what's on beforehand rather than just turning up.


Ronnie Scotts in Soho is good, which I'm sure you've heard of - it's mainly jazz, but you do get some variety. The Jazz Cafe in Camden is also great though the name is deceptive - I've seen Erykah Badu there, as well as Nick Cave, so it isn't strictly jazz. The 100 Club also used to do similar stuff but recently it's become a bit of a trendy stop on the gig circuit so you kind of need to check what's on first these days. It's a bit of a legendary place - everyone from John Lee Hooker to Hendrix to the Sex Pistols have played there. There used to be a Northern Soul night there (not live music but DJs and crazy dancing) but I'm not sure if it's still on. I don't know if I could keep up with some of those guys though.


The Boogaloo in Archway has some great soul stuff happening - the owners are completely mad for 60's funk and Motown. There's also a place nearby whose name escapes me that has a jam session on a Sunday night but I can't think of the name.


Sunday nights in Camden there's the Fiddler's Elbow - there's a free night called Come Down and Meet The Folks which hosts some great country/bluegrass and with a bit of dirty blues. I like that one and might head over there later this evening in fact.


The Spitz near Liverpool Street has some good nights, but again, it's one of those places where you should check what's on first. They've been hosting a night called Punk Rock Blues recently which is going down well. There's some great guitarists on there but I think the emphasis is more on stuff like ZZ Top than Robert Johnson. I guess I'd describe it as plugged-in delta blues.


I could go on all day...

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Originally posted by lastcall

you look like the photographer said something you didn't hear and you're about to say "huh? what? What did you say?"


:D :D :D I think that might actually close to the truth.


Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'm not used to being photographed so it's hard to tell what works and what doesn't.

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Originally posted by brassic

My personal pick:


The one I fear the others will go for with me doing a dumb sneer:



I concur on your personal pick. That's the one I would have chosen.


Although the "sneer" pic would be great on the insert of a CD jacket!:D

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Originally posted by brassic

The Barbican has really good stuff on, a lot of it tends towards the artsy end of the spectrum but I had tickets for Herbie Hancock there recently. Unfortunately I got food poisoning the night of the show and couldn't go (long story) but the others who went said it was incredible.



FAWWWWKKK! Herbie hancock :'( i had no idea...i'd LOVE to see his stuff live! :eek::(


I really wanna move to london dam it

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Originally posted by Matter-Eater Lad

It looks #1 & #3 just have the singers head switched with photoshop. The other chicks are exactly the same.



They have. We wouldn't use both for obvious reasons. #1 is the original shot, but we switched heads in #3 because she wasn't too sure about her face in #1.


It's a real excercise in diplomacy, this photo thing. You're dealing with five egos, and everyone's going to have their own insecurities but we don't want anyone to be unhappy with how they've been presented. That's why I posted on here - none of you really knows us personally so you're not afraid to be brutally honest. We showed these to some of our friends and most of them were like "Yeah, you all look gorgeous" which is nice. However, it's more helpful to get feedback like "Don't use that one - you look like you've just smelled a fart". Our mates would never have the courage to say that, so feedback like what we've got here is very much appreciated.

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I agree that the sneer photo isn't the best. I favor #3 also, of the different shots.


Is the red background a necessity? It's vibrant, but clashes with your redheaded musicians' hair.


It's a good publicity shot and all of you look ready to kick ass.


Just a personal preference thing ..... it's very static. No movement, solid color background, very posed. From the gig photos you've posted you're high energy on stage, but I don't sense the same high energy coming from the photo. JMHO.

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Great, I was waiting for a female opinion!


We did the photos in my living room so the red b/g is colorama - our rental house wall ain't the most attractive.


Luckily the others have finally accepted that I don't make a very good Johnny Rotten so I think we're going with the first photo. I still favour the third but the singer is almost as neurotic about being photographed as I am so we want everyone to be happy.


I see your point about the static nature of the photos - we've got a few more dynamic ones so those are the next to get worked on. This photo is kind of a stopgap because we needed something quick for an event we;re playing next month. The photo we really want to do involves a chariot, flaming torches and well-oiled nubile young men but we didn't have time or space :D (I'm not joking by the way)

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