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Practice space help!

planet shh

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I am in a band of poor musicians that all work different hours. Our only open time is late-night after 10:30 or 11pm.


Currently our practice space is crammed in a very small barn. It's not fully insulated, and I hate it, although they don't mind it so much. The problem with it is we can never practice much later than 10 because of neighbors.


We've considered trying to sound proof it, but I don't know how to do it well, and it's already packed enough in there as it is.


What else can we consider doing?


We all either live in apartments, townhouses, or with our grumpy parents.

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My band rents a rehearsal space. It's not the best, but we can be loud 24/7. It's not really expensive $350 a month split 5 ways. There are some people in the same facility that have 2 or more bands in one room to further divide the rent. That seems to work for them, except for drum sets. More than 2 in one room get's messy. I can afford it no problem, some of my other band mates struggle a little from time to time. In the long run, it's really the best way to do it. No time restrictions, no volume restrictions, and no wife/girlfriend or what ever interrupting the practice. We "decorate" (I use that term loosely) in a manner that creates a "vibe" for the space. It's like, once you walk in, you need to leave the rest of the crap in your life outside. That's turned out to be important as well.

I think it really helps to maximize how your practice time is utilized.

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My band found a storage rental space that has converted some of their spaces into low rent offices. they are carpeted, paneled, lighted and have heat and air and half bath. You can even crash there when you and the wife/girl are not on good terms. The coolest thing is that they dont charge us anymore for this space than they do for their other storage rentals so we are getting our practice space for 100 a month split five ways..we even called adt and had them put an alarm system in. By the way if anyone has an insurance agency that will insure equipment reasonably i would love to know who it is cause we cant seem to find anyone to carry us.

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Originally posted by planet shh



where can you find something like that?




Old fashioned thing called a "phone book." Look under "R."




About four years ago I tried that approach and couldn't find one storage place that would allow that. I either heard that they had tried it before and had the place wrecked, or that they didn't want a bunch of cars parked there, etc. Not one place would let us rent one for that purpose, and since most have on site managers....

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