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Varied musical types at gigs?


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What do ya'll think about having different types of bands at the same gig? Seems to me that a lot of the gigs I see will have 3 or 4 bands all with a similar sound. While I can see the logic in this too attract a certain crowd, what are the pros/cons of having different genres in the same lineup?


We are setting up a gig in November and are looking at our area for other bands. A few of them we have played with a lot and I threw out the idea of mixing it up a bit and inviting a band that is almost the polar opposite of us.


Any thoughs on this? Does it work? Is it a disaster?

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Originally posted by fastplant

I'm assuming you mean original music? It can be good if the music isn't too disimilar. But if a jam band opens up for a death metal band, I'm pretty sure both bands will be completely ignored by fans of the other and that's not good.


Yea, these are original bands. I agree, if the genres are WAY far apart like your expamle all it would do is alienate each fan base. Well, for the most part anyway; of course there are always wierdos like me who enjoy everything! :D But obviously I am not the only one listening sooooo....


Good thoughts, thanks.

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