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OT Recomend a digital camera.


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Rovito, I have a large collection of Nikon 35 mm/SLR lenses, so that's the body style I'll be going for and I can't help you with the "all-in-one" type cameras you're looking for.

HOWEVER, I'd suggest hitting your local bookstore and picking up this month's issue of Consumer Reports. They review all types of digital cameras in this issue, it'll probably be just what you're looking for.

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You can go to dpreview.com and look at sample pictures from different cameras in your price range.


For me, the pictures I prefer always come from a Canon product! So that's what I bought (a marvelous Canon G2, an old model that was quite expensive but damn it still takes the best pictures today!).

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I have a Sony DSC-P51 which I have been quite pleased with. It's a 2 megapixel model that's a few years old, and I think it's been discontinued, but you should be able to get something similar in Sony's line for your price range. Think I paid $250 for it new.


It has amazing battery life, I generally get 300 photos before I have to recharge the batteries.

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