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Haha, a new first!

Brian Krashpad

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Originally posted by dazed1

I hear you man. I sing and play rythm guitar most of the time and if the bass and the second guitarist is off a bit it really throws me for a loop. Its nerve wracking enought trying to be ontime and in pitch, especially since I am still new at this. It makes me think that my vocals are off or I am not singing the melody right. I write alot of the material for the band so I know exactly where you are coming from. I know that the other guitarist gets bored when we are rehearsing sometimes and starts throwing in stuff to see what sticks, and that is part of the creative process. Most of the time this only serves to enhance the song, other times it just throws the vocal melody way off. As for not hearing each other, I played without a drummer a few weeks back, and our bassist was playing an amazing sounding run on one of our songs that I had never heard. He had been playing it for over two months this way. Its a give and take. I try to make each person a part of the creative process so they feel at least some ownership of the song.



The funny thing is, except for some very specific parts of a couple songs that were on prior CDs (a small guitar hook in one song written by the departed 2nd guitarist, a bassline I wrote on another), I never actually tell them what to play. I just show them the chords I play. They tend to instinctively do good/appropriate things within whatver chord structure I give them, but the prob here was they hadn't got the chord progression right.


I'm pretty sure everything will be cool next week.



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My old bass player took one of my favorite blues songs and put this country bass line to it..... when I'd bring up that this isn't what I had in mind, he'd come back with high pitched ,whinny arguements usually " Noooo man...it rocks like that"....

.... we're no longer together...

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The last band I walked out of, the other guitarplayer (and also main songwriter) would play his songs completely different than the way we had always done them. This usually lasted for one or two rehearsals and then things went back to normal. When we told him to listen to the CDs he said he "didn't need to because he'd written the damn songs":confused:

Most of it was down to the fact he has absolutely NO sense of rhythm and was very insecure about his (below average) guitarplaying skills.

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