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##@$&#@$ Drummer


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We've had a big money party and a bar gig planned for months this weekend. Yesterday I get a message that he can't play the party because he's taken a gig with his other band so we fired him. Freaking 2 nights till the gig and I have to work in another drummer. $#()$#*#$#@$ Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it.

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I guess, be glad it was a drummer, they're (usually) the easiest to bring up to speed on short notice.


Its exactly this type of unethical behaviour that made me decide years ago to never try to make a living playing music, you're just too dependent on undependable people. Hope things go well for you!

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Originally posted by Mr. Botch

I guess, be glad it was a drummer, they're (usually) the easiest to bring up to speed on short notice.

Its exactly this type of unethical behaviour that made me decide years ago to never try to make a living playing music, you're just too dependent on undependable people. Hope things go well for you!



Yeah I got a replacement that we've worked with before. He knows a lot of our stuff, but it still won't be the same show we usually do. But you're right, he probably is the easiest to replace on short notice. It does suck that he had no qualms about standing us up like that.

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