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Where did Windows Media Player go to ?


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I've never used it much. But I've used it to rip some of my CD's  for transferring to my phone.  I then use my phone with Bluetooth headphones.  

So recently,  I happened to think I'd like to listen to Hendrix's Electric Ladyland on my phone.  When searched on Media Player  I found it's not there. Searching on how to "activate" it I found instructions on going to Control Panel /  Programs and Features / Turn Windows features on and off /  Media Features  .............then expand Media Features and check  Windows Media Player

But, as is often the case with these sorts of instructions,  Media Features has no sub-category.   

Any insights to offer ? Thanks.





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You didn't mention your OS.  I just found it in Windows 10.  Go to the Start Menu (Windows Key).  Click on the All Apps icon (upper left).  Scroll down to Windows Accessories.  Click the down arrow to open the  Windows Accessories folder and you should see Windows Media Player.  If it's missing, you can download it here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/18612/windows-media-player

p.s. It should also be accessible via Windows Explorer at C:\Program Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Windows Accessories\Windows Media Player

You can open it from there or create a shortcut to it.



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Thanks Jeff.  I went to your link but had no success.  I have Windows 10 BTW.    I found this link  https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/14209/get-windows-media-player    and clicked the link "Enable Windows Media Player"   then clicked the "open settings" button.  Then clicked the "Add a feature" button and found a "Windows Media Feature"  selection,  which I clicked.....then clicked "Install".  Restarted the PC.   No luck. 

Then when I open the Windows page (whatever it's called)  and type  Windows Media Player  my computer opens a page: /Control Panel/ All Control Panel Items / AutoPlay.   After scrolling down and finding "CD"  I tried "Open folder to view files".  And for Blank CD  I tried  "Burn files to disc (File Explorer)".  Restarted the PC and when I type "Media Player" it opens to the same settings screen I just described.

I'm wondering if Bitdefender is a cluprit  here.  A couple of weeks back Google Chrome disappeared.  I had to delete it and reinstall it with coaching from some google searching.  There was a suggestion that antivirus software may have been blocking it.  I hope to hell not.   I don't need to pay money to have these annoyances.

So I've had no success here.  I'm wondering if I'd be happier in the Apple world.  I like to use the computer, but have no desire to become a computer mechanic.







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Hi David.

You might try this page if you still can't find it:


Also, in Windows 10 the Windows Media Player no longer plays DVDs. This follows a trend at Microsoft of replacing their 'classic' desktop software with 'apps'. As the article linked below notes, Windows Media Player may be disappearing from the Windows ecosystem. Given that you are using Windows 10, when (not if) Microsoft decides to remove the Windows Media Player it'll be gone. You won't have a choice as it'll be removed during an automatic update.


Don't have any Apple products, but they do use a MacBook at the church. That thing gives me a fit. Some of it is because I am simply not all that familiar with it, but some of it is just Apple and the way they do things.

My preferred OS is Linux Mint. I use Windows 8.1 for audio recording and video work - primarily for church. I also maintain the church's tech crew laptop which runs Windows 10. Auto updates have bitten me more than once - including removing drivers for an audio interface that I needed to use the next day. Since then I have learned how to postpone updates, but you can never stop them as long as you continue to work online. Seeing as this computer is used for live streaming, well, staying off line just wasn't an option.

Hope that helps,


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Thanks Mandolin and Jeff. I did a Google on Cnet recommended mp3 ripping software,   and I downloaded Express Rip CD Ripper.  I was able to rip Electric Ladyland.  Vodoo Chile didn't rip correctly the first time - my best guess was it had something to do with the 15 minute length. Tried again and it ripped.  Then I was able to load it onto my android phone.  My Bluetooth headphones and phone are my main listening tools.  Hardly ever use my receiver and CD player.  

If I like this ripping software I think I'll pay the $30 dollars for it. 


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I went to CNET and downloaded their recommendation - Express Rip.  I also unknowingly seemed consent to a Chrome browser extension.  And pop-up ads. Some more searching and I found how to reset my browser and lose the pesky extension.

I was able to load Electric Ladyland on my phone.  I enjoyed listening on my Bluetooth headphones on yesterday's walk.  


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