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Non-guitar sound profiling with the Kemper

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I started profiling amps at once when I got the Kemper and have done a fair share of profiles some of which are my go to sounds now days. Fact is that I'm happy with what I have and thus I stopped profiling.


After a while I missed the creative process of profiling but what to profile if you have what you want? Things that's not sounding like stuff you've heard before. So I started profiling weird stuff, hooked up in combinations not usually recommended to get sane result.


My goal was not to get anything specific but rather just sounds that can be musically useful.

I have so much fun and I've even gone as far as to buy stuff just for the very purpose of profiling them for unusual results.


Here are two sound clips where all the sounds (except for drums) come from the one guitar and the Kemper.




Hope you find it interesting!




Mats N


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