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Gibson Bankrupt after 116 years ?


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There's too much value in the Gibson name for it to go away forever. Just like Hostess...the Ding Dongs and Twinkies took a short hiatus but now it's like they never went away. Hopefully whoever is in charge of it next focuses on what made the brand iconic in the first place.

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There's too much value in the Gibson name for it to go away forever. Just like Hostess...the Ding Dongs and Twinkies took a short hiatus but now it's like they never went away. Hopefully whoever is in charge of it next focuses on what made the brand iconic in the first place.


There's a thought....Maybe a snack food giant will buy Gibson out and we'll finally get that Les Paul with a spongecake-like finish. perfect for squeezing out some soft gooey mids.


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There's a thought....Maybe a snack food giant will buy Gibson out and we'll finally get that Les Paul with a spongecake-like finish. perfect for squeezing out some soft gooey mids.


Ah...I always wondered what "SG" stood for...soft gooey! Learn something every day around here.




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And let's not forget our Facebook friend, Cambridge Analytica, who also just filed for bankruptcy. They say nobody will buy their data any more, so they're bailing out (unlike Gibson, who's trying to hang on).

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There will always be guitars. When touring America's Music Museum I glanced at a Stradivarius Guitar made in the 1600s. They've passed the test of time.


However during the 50s through the late 1980s they were the 'must have' instrument for any pop band. That is no longer so.


They aren't going away, there will still be plenty of guitars and plenty of guitars sold, just not as many as there were during the peak years. The industry just needs to adjust.


I hope Gibson survives, for nostalgia reasons if nothing else.



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Hey man, build the guitars at PRS quality at PRS prices and Gibson will be successful. PERIOD. However it might take a long time to pay off 500 Million in debt that way:)


anyway wheres the meetup if the lights go off here?

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I have great reason to believe the lights will remain on at HC. The 500M won't need to be paid due to the chapter 11. However, what you state is true. I've said it for years. Focus on building great guitars at a decent price and you'll win friends. That's all I'll say.

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Hey man, build the guitars at PRS quality at PRS prices and Gibson will be successful. PERIOD. However it might take a long time to pay off 500 Million in debt that way:)


anyway wheres the meetup if the lights go off here?

Craig's Casa...bring your sleeping bags and your anti-snoring devices.


Check your knives, guns, and numchucks at the door.


No hard liquor or underaged girls..Craig runs a respectable place.


Tip Jar is in the Grand Foyer to the left.


Remove your footwear before entering..if you are wearing Crocs, please, for humanity's sake, toss them into the recycling bin..



Oh, Almost forgot, no Bluzeman Fedoras, cargo shorts, or Aloha shirts, This isn't Gearslutz.




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Craig's Casa...bring your sleeping bags and your anti-snoring devices.


Check your knives, guns, and numchucks at the door.


No hard liquor or underaged girls..Craig runs a respectable place.


Tip Jar is in the Grand Foyer to the left.


Remove your footwear before entering..if you are wearing Crocs, please, for humanity's sake, toss them into the recycling bin..



Oh, Almost forgot, no Bluzeman Fedoras, cargo shorts, or Aloha shirts, This isn't Gearslutz.




Craig would probably go for that! :)

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