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Time to Migrate HC to Facebook Group?


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We have a facebook page ...


But as we've always said: HC's value to you is that what you posts here stays here and you can always come back and find the information. It's both static and dynamic. FB is just dynamic. Try to find something a week from now unless you saved it.


The upgrade we have coming supposedly will allow you to post your comments here and to FB at the same time. Finger's crossed.



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I was talking to someone about how HC continues to grow steadily, and how that's not supposed to be happening. He said "It's simple, you guys just lasted long enough for people to get sick of Facebook." :)


Facebook has its place, but as Dendy points out, it's dynamic-only...which isn't always what you want.


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I'm on Facebook under an assumed name. I use it purely to keep abreast of what my favourite bands/artists/authors are up to


I don't do the 'friends' thing. I have no interest in hearing folks' political rantings, nor of seeing photos of what they had for lunch

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I don't post much, but I certainly check in here frequently and read various forums (although this one the most.) As others of "my generation" I have no Facebook account and have no interest in one. Please keep it here!

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Facebook is exclusive, the www is inclusive.


Some people feel that Facebook is the entire Internet and nothing else matters. Other people loathe Facebook and wouldn't sign up if they were paid to do so - after all FB IS voluntary spyware. (not that any forum doesn't share - but FB is notorious for knowing more about you than the NSA, CIA, and FBI combined).


Plus on FB the H.C. post may come down 20 minutes later (depending on how many friends and what you follow) behind that cat photo, what your buddy had for dinner last night, those political posts, and a million other things.


On the www you can come when you want, come directly here, view all the HC content, respond to what you like, and revisit a thread with no problem at a later date - easily.


FB is good for pictures of what you ate last night or your cat doing something weird, your your grand-kid being cute, but for focused discussion a nice forum is much, much better.


That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Insights and incites by Notes





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facebook feels like it's on the way out to me. It's been fun, but I see the writing on the wall... at least for a lot of us for the reasons we signed up in the first place. To me it was a creative outlet and a way to meet people from different parts of the world I'd never known. It's become many more things on top of that since, but I'm more and more annoyed with the layout and the so-called "features."


I still like the option of topic specific forums outside the reach of the facebook beast. I still refuse to surf the web at all via mobile phone. I have an iPhone, but I still only talk or text with it. facebook has become very big screen unfriendly. I still like laptops and even desktops.


At some point I'll probably have to drop off the web altogether because of the trend to mobile devices. I remember when only sex offenders had to have tracking devices. Now most people willingly carry them. I still don't. I'll leave my phone at home or at very least turn it off and leave it in the car when I want to take a walk in the woods or something. It's not in my nature to become that dependent on devices, or people for that matter. It never has been.

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I don't carry my phone with me at all times, only when I figure I'll need it. And I never have the location on unless I need that. Often I'll also put it in the Airplane Mode and I don't believe they can track you in the Airplane Mode (correct me if I'm wrong).


The main reasons why I got a cell phone were:


!) On the way to a gig, I always leave enough time for the worst traffic and then some, but if any unforeseeable reason ever causes me to be late, I want to be able to call the client


2) There a re a lot of 'gated communities' here and often I need to call them from the gate to get them to open it


3) I like having the google in my pocket (actually I use StartPage because they are a private search engine).


Back to Facebook.


I know quite a few people who refuse to get on facebook, and I want them to be able to get to our website. Again, FB is exclusive, www is inclusive.


Insights and incites by Notes


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I use my phone a lot, although I'm not dependent on it. I use Waze for navigation sometimes. I use it as a remote trigger for my camera. I use it to determine the position of stars, moon, etc. I use it to find things. While not dependent on it, I love the various things that it allows me to do by having a hand-held computer with wifi and bluetooth connectivity.


But that said, no one should ever be dependent on devices or people unless absolutely necessary.




That's probably where I differ from most of my peers in my age group. I was a an electronics geek as a kid in the 1970s as one part of my experience, but I've always had this caution with having one device that does too much for me. I love the convenience like everyone else.


My approach to life is more toward redundancy in the engineering sense. What if that one device that is doing so much for me fails? So I have a dedicated older GPS that is in no way connected to my name and will still work if my phone fails.. I have different remote controls for different devices in my studio, and of course some may remember I still multi-track and master to analog tape. I could be on the bleeding edge of technology, but I choose not to.


It comes down to gut feelings I guess. I'm happy and content with how I do things. And I do things no one else on my street has, like design and build a whole-house battery backup system. The municipal power doesn't go down very often, but when it does my house is the only house on the street with lights, heat and air conditioning, depending on the season. And stuff like this article I've attached. For every data breach , coverup, or breach of trust we hear about who knows how many there are we don't.


I don't like surveillance cameras everywhere either. IMO society is giving up privacy hand over fist. I'm not comfortable with the level that it is. But I'm on facebook and I'm online in forums like this. All the while I know any device connected to the net can be hacked, including my laptops. We can't be completely independent. I wouldn't be able even have a bank account or a credit card if I thought about it too much. No my religion doesn't interpret all this interconnection as The Beast. But it's probably worse than any controlling power that someone could have thought up trying to predict the future from the perspective of 2000 years ago.


We're becoming like a penal colony or we're effectively sentencing ourselves to prison ... something like that. That's the only other place where you're watched and tracked 24/7. That and maybe a traditional cult group where everyone is in everyone's personal affairs. I used to study those and work to get people out of them back in the 80s when they were so prevalent on college campuses.


The cult has basically gone mainstream. It's now "normal society." This level of control was once thought to be dangerous and largely what defined a controlling cult. I know I'm getting way OT, so I'll leave it there. You can get the idea of where I'm coming from. ;-)




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