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Spurious photo question.


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I had a brief encounter with a Win 10 computer and the SSS photo thread reminds me of those Win 10 lock screen pics. Rich gorgeous look besides the art/sthetics. I grabbed one to paper my win7 desktop and am perfectly happy with the new faux 10 ness of my machine. Anyway theres an odd structure in the photo that I can't explain. Illustration? Watermark? Anybody know what this is?


Bottom right.






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Lol at helpful response. I just looked through my Spotlight folder - some guy grabs every one and posts them on Imgur - and Bill gates off world hideaway is the only one with that anomaly. Musta grabbed that separately from somewhere else.


The Win10 photos are gorgeous though. (the only redeeming quality of Win10 I daresay) I'll try and post a couple here if they fit.

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Could it be part of the airplane or helicopter from which the photo was taken?


The photo is certainly cropped being such an unusual vertical shape - maybe the uncropped original is out there somewhere on the web and it extends to the right revealing the mysterious and probably mundane truth...


nat whilk ii


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It's wall paper and extends 1920 to the left. The right border is as supplied. It looks to be a large building and if anything might be part of a scifi illustration. Also if you look at the enlagement there are white parallelish lines directly above and below the object - which I'm calling a WTFO. :)


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