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Taye Gokit


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What do ya think fellas,

I'm ready to start playing again. And I found this Taye Gokit for $750 talked down to $650. everything included. Seems all hardware is Taye single braced, and seems cymbals are all Taye but one Paiste hat of unknown model. What do ya think? Opinions please.. I have only owned Yamaha stage customs. And I prefer 20 inch kicks. Does the 18 inch have the thunp and punch? The cymbals are probably trash can lids. But dont know.


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650 sounds high but I'm cheap. Small drums might be a good idea though. I'm thinking you may get more into juggling the highs and lows of it than reveling in the big sound you'd get with a full sized set and 18" kicks aren't too bad anyway. They only get bonky if you tune 'em for springy action. Glad you're still playing main thing. :thu:

  • 2 weeks later...
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I'd wait. This would be something to maybe practice on, but without a decent size bass and floor tom, it might get old fast. Look for a used Stage Custom with better cymbals, then you know more what you'll be getting. I think that's reason this guy is selling??? It's a nice set, but it seems it would be limited on the kind of songs you could play. My Two Cents.

  • 5 weeks later...
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I actually did pass on these, and went with more studio equipment. I do want to play again, and I think youre right, cant go wrong with good old stage customs, Ill know exactly what I'm getting and I can get the sizes I want.


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