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Valentine's Day


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I'm just curious for those of you in relationships. What are you planning for Valentine's Day? Do you have a special love song to practice or will the guitar be coming out from between the two of you. I don't know about you guys, but I know if I sing a certain song one more time I may have to have the headstock surgically removed from a rather intimate area. I'm thinking it may be high time for a date night, even if it's taking my wife to see Mockingjay. It's been several months.


PS: why no love theme for the VOM this month? I'm just as guilty but I feel like doing another late submission of that annoying song so that I can exorcise it.

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My wife and I are going to a party that night with friends. I'd like to take her out the night before but she has a church women's function so I'll have to wait for the following weekend. In the meantime, a nice card and an "I love you" will have to do. No music though, either way.

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Joe, you crack me up.


Anyway, I feel obliged to do something nice for my wife since she works and supports me while I screw off at home and screw up our kids. Lately there's been a sort of changing of the guard at her place of employment and her formerly bright future with the company is no longer bright and the pressure is getting to her. To come home to a house with three boys in it that smells like a locker room on its best day, an outhouse on its worst and having to deal with some pretty severe temper tantrums where there's glass shattering and holes being pounded into the walls is too much to ask anyone to bear. Suffice it to say, our marriage has cooled off considerably and I suspect that if given a moment along the two of us would rather talk to Siri than each other.


So I sort of bought into the marketing ploy. I braved the snow and subzero temperatures with our autistic son in tow to pick up cute little cupcakes for dessert, chocolate covered strawberries for she and I after the kids went to bed as well as a small bouquet of white roses (to symbolize respect and new beginnings as she considers her future with her place of employment as well as our son's quest for a new private school) that I intended to "surprise" her with.


Probably the best thing I did was to write her a letter. Since we don't talk and discussions often turn into arguments maybe I was being selfish in getting some things off my chest.


Well, she read the letter and she seemed touched but clearly it wasn't enough. She's still irritable and chronically pessimistic. I could throw my hands up and sulk and consider myself a failure or work on being more Romantic every other day instead of just this one day. Rome wasn't built in a day after all.

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Neil, thirty >(30)< years in and I still celebrate the fact that she proposed to me and got what she bargained for. But, I will say I thought enough of her to sell my boat to buy a bit of over-priced and shamefully coveted metal in the shape of a band mounting a similarly treated and over-worked piece of sparkly stone. I don't get that certain materials affect people's sense of values but, as they say, you'll have that. By the way, I'm looking for a way to bottle and market stoicism so any ideas are appreciated.


Maybe just settling down and striving for a simple life of finding common ground? Job stress, when bringing home the bacon is all on you, can be a huge burden.


I was thinking about this early today when I took my wife to Denny's for breakfast (0530). She followed me there and we sat for a nice quiet 1/2 hour of chit-chat. Later I thought about that short time together. We have more chances to do that now. My kids make it an easy thing to do (16 and 21). But, will it evolve back to us being together for us again and not simply moments to get out of the house together? There's a big difference between them and I'm not sure if the "us" part is something retrievable. I've always worn the hawser, though, and I leave it in the car when I get home. Conversely, I do the same thing with home when I arrive at work. I say that because as a life partner, she's never had to play the role of confidant or share my troubles. I think 30 years of being kept at arm's length from parts of my day hasn't worked to bond us closer. I've directly influenced her into thinking her days are not worth chatting about, like she'd just be bothering me, which was not something I realized I was doing early enough to correct my course. Anyway, I recognize it now and have been opening up and sharing details of the life I lead she does not play a role in. It's a whole new Rome to (re)build, though, as you say.

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I'd play more love songs, but I want Queequeg to like me. :)


I've got it so good at home I hate to even talk about it for fear of ruining the mojo. So I won't.

Always did like you, James.

It's almost a week after the fact now but I enjoy playing Funny Valentine. I got hooked on the Chet Baker version, which he both sings and plays.

As for me, yeah, I play it as an instrumental.


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