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40 Inch Ride Cymbal- Holy Mackerel!!

Dendy Jarrett

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Neat concept, but too gongy for me, how often would you really use it, for real, heaven help you if you break it! It's not like you can just go to the nearest Guitar Center and tell them you're looking to replace your 40 inch ride! I guess it would cost about 3K as well?

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Twosticks you make too much sense! I mean on the more realistic side ... how you gonna lug that thing around? Talk about a back ache, and it isn't like you run out and buy a 40" cymbal bag! :)


I see it more of a symphonic fixture or the like.



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Dendy: OIC, in that sense, if money were no thing, then yes, it would be cool as hell!, put on some Moody Blues and play the crap out of it, yeah baby!


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