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Playing all strings at once = rubbing it in?

dick wiggins

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If this is a Big Band playing 1940s music, then this is basically correct -- concentrate mostly on the inner strings, sometimes playing as few as one string if there are a lot of horns in the band -- think of yourself as the tenor harmony to the bass.


If you are playing any other kind of music then your bass player is a crack-smoking monkey.



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Then again, if you're playing big band arrangements, you won't be playing many chords in which you can finger 6 notes.


In my band, I play guitar, the bass player plays bass. The fair thing to do is let everyone do their own job.


Seriously, though, they are different instruments, with different voices, in different registers. Bass has 4 strings because its not made to play chords. Guitar is. Sure, sometimes the song doesn't call for a 6-note chord, sometimes it does. Has this guy every played with a pianist? THAT guy's got 88 keys!!

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