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You do the gig, the check is returned NSF. What did you do and what was the result of your situation?



1st time it's happened to me. The bank doesn't give you the check back, in fact I don't know where the check goes. But they did send me a copy so I have the person's ph # and the bank info, but still. Sigh. I will have to do 100 % signed contract agreement with 50 % upfront from here on out. Live and learn. Yes I do take some of the responsibility as I should but still....



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I got stuck with an NSF check a few years back. The beauty with an NSF check is that it's a "no brainer" from a legal perspective. Take them to small claims court. A judgment in your favor is virtually guaranteed. We took a minor "hit" for the cost of having them served - but ultimately, the guy walked in moments before we were to go before the judge - and handed me cash. As anybody with any assets at all either knows (or will quickly learn) - is that armed with a judgment - you have everything you need to begin to encumber their assets until the check is made good. Nobody wants to deal with having assets attached!


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I had A NSF check on two occasions with the same place (didn't listen to the ole "fool me once" adage). The first time they made good on it pretty quick, payed extra for my bank costs, plus a little extra for my hassle. That's why I felt confident in taking more checks. The second time it bounced because he sold the business and closed the acct. I harassed the hell out of him and the. He got the new owner to make good on the deal. The original guy said he was "forced out" of the business by his partners, who them brought in a new guy.

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I still get phone calls offering me top listing on Google searches and credit card acceptance. I've never been given a bad check in my life. For my sound company, all my referrals are by word of mouth. Just recently started using Square for credit cards. The calls drive me nuts. Maybe I've been lucky, but I generally work alone and people know it.

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Indeed Wyn this was from word of mouth at the day job. Maybe your "older" generation is more honest ha! I believe I'll recover said funds in cash on Thursday and now there is open dialog.


Interesting method Wyn, that could be pretty slick for deposits on shows. With a credit card processing service that you use, can't there still be a disputed charge later so you get essentially a "NSF" or returned credit as well? Do you have to submit a business tax id to use the service or can you just do it as a sole prop?

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The first move should always be to call the client. I had a returned check in my day job just a few weeks ago. Called my client who apologized and made sure there were funds to cover the new check they gave me. It was PITA though and should not have happened.

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