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Well, THIS is a first....

Vito Corleone

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I know this is a shot in the dark, but did you think about contacting another band in the area and seeing if you could rent their stuff for the weekend? I have to be honest, I wouldn't want to consider playing someone else's instruments, but their rigs? I might consider that. Anyway, there's gotta be some band with awesome gear and no gig that weekend nearby. :D

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I can't help by listen to my spidey-sense on this one. So many scams out there.. who is to say that this isn't some elaborate scam to get your band to hand all their gear (what $20k - $50k worth?) to a total stranger, and then give him a 24 hour head start on vanishing into thin air?


I dunno, I've just been burned so many times on "trust" in my life that I don't approach any unusual requests without a degree of cynicism.



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Well, it'd have to be a mighty elaborate scam! The guy already has a website devoted to the upcoming wedding for invitees to check out. And the gig comes from a recommendation from another gig. We certainly have to make sure our interests are covered whichever path we pursue on this, but it being a total scam really isn't on the radar here. But thanks for the warning. It's always good to consider every possibility.

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It's all good. I'm a tool and didn't realize there was a whole 2nd page of discussion.. Probably would have realized more info and not responded the way I did if I had read it through. Glad to see you are still keeping at it, I don't make it on here much these days

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Well, hey. It all ended up being for naught anyway. We couldn't come to agreement on terms with the client, so he's decided he doesn't really want us all that badly after all.


Just as well. This one was quickly moving into the "more trouble than it's worth" category. Would have been fun just for the different experience, but we'll more than likely book the date for a higher net take anyway. Thanks for all the advice and suggestions, though!

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