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3 Gigs, 2 Bands, (maybe) NO rehearsals! Should I be worried?

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Well, maybe one rehearsal for each band, but that remains to be seen. I've been trying to get them to rehearse but it's one thing after another and now one of the gigs is this weekend and the only time, it seems, that we "may" be able to get together at all is the night before the gig, and I HATE rehearsing the night before a gig. If I could pull out of the gigs I would, but it's too late! Any thoughts?

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FWIW: I have a very high standard of quality...that said, PULL OUT. Why do a half-assed job? Do you want to be seen as someone who does a mixed bag..sometimes good sometimes bad.....or be seen as someone who always brings the goods? Imho, preserve the value of your good name and get out..unless its free to all involved..for a charity that expects you to play (or similar) otherwise...get out.

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It really depends on a lot of things. Where I live things like what you just described happens so often that I would have very little or no work if I turned down work for that reason. I just go along with it and do what I can.. the result won't be pretty, and it's not something you will be proud of, but then again no one in the band cares, nd most of the time, the audience seems to love it. I am not talking about just small bar gigs, but pop gigs that pays like $2000+ per night too. Heck, Asking/Trying to get people to rehearse/do the right thing can even work against you, and they might stop calling you because of that too. Some people don't want to be reminded that they are lazy and/or they don't really care about the music as they should. If it's a gig you are just getting paid to do a job then I wouldn't fret over it too much. If it's a gig you are doing for reasons beyond money, and you care about the final product, then by all means pull out.

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